Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't you love good news!!!

I was at church and a good friend came up to me and asked me if I would make her invitations I looked at her my Eyes were misty I realised I was holding my breath just watering to hear what she was going to say "why Jenifer my weeding invitations". I just wanted to cry I was so happy for her!!! My hart was just so full at that moment. It is amazing how much joy you can feel for some one else.

I thought this was cute kinda Random and has nothing to do with my post. I just love the thought you scratch my back I will scratch yours.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New apron and a beautiful sunny day and a sweet little birthday card

This is my latest apron creation I made this for a swapp that I am in over at the Sassy Apron Swapp.. I love the fun little butterflies and dragonflies on the waste band and pocket.
This is what our day looked like today nice and sunny and it was pretty warm The kids were enjoying the sunshine and good weather. Its hard to believe that this is what it looked like on Friday..
So Glad the white stuff has melted.. It was hard to see it all when the weather had been so nice.

Last but not least look at the sweetest birthday card I received. You gotta love this sweet little face. Can you believe her mother named her George LOL I love her so much and miss her tons. We will always have a special bond.. Love ya baby girl. Thanks so much for my sweet card..

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Boys are driving me insane...

I am not so sure I was enjoying the insanity the 2 older boys were dishing out tonight.
Thank goodness they are so dang cute and safely nestled into there beds or I think we all would be crying right now.. AKKKE what a day ...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Aprons Aprons Aprons....

Well Mrs Karen Here is your apron Hope you like it!!!!
This what Dale thought of the Apron.. LOL Shelly took the pic so i thought I would added it and show you all what a goofball Dale can be.

I have been busy sewing up a Storm this week end I cut out 4 Aprons and have only completed one..
Thats ok cutting them out takes the longest amount of time for me . Once they are cut out I can sew them in no time flat. I am in 3 apron swaps that are all due around and on June first so I thought I would get them out of the way. Plus May 12th is Apron appreciation day.. Thats when you where your apron out all day long so i thought I would make a special one for that.. Plus mothers day is coming up and you guessed it My Mothers are getting aprons and some of my suedo moms too. I just love aprons.. LOL

Friday, April 25, 2008


Little Ben and his buddy Marty.. They crack me up!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am so excited!!!!

Last night about this time I was checking my emails I saw one from A million Memories It was from Michelle Quin the owner of the site (Love ya girl) Asking me to be Mays Featured Designer To say the least I was trilled and said Yes Yes and double yes.. I will be interviewed and featured in there monthly news letter. I can hardly wait to get the box of goodies she is sending me.. Luck is on my side baby.. I also sent in an entry for a DT possession for anew site that is starting up it is all about scrap therapy. I have a good feeling about getting on there team.. even if I am not offered a DT poss ion I will definitely be hanging out there..

Growing in your love

This is a Layout of my Husbands Great Grandfather Stonewall Jackson McCormick Holding His daughter Helen Irene (Dales Grandmother). I love the picture it is so sweet and innocent looking. This great big man with his tiny little daughter.
This LO was done for the OLW challenge I love there Site If you like challenge sites you should check them out..

The best day ever...

So yesterday was such a great and wonderful day!! My kids made and gave me the best birthday gifts. My heart was so full with there love for me.. Dale even managed to get out of his sick bed and Bought me the loveliest cake and some fun little goodies. He bought dinner so I did not have to make it Whoo that was so nice.. After dinner we had cake and then we were off to YW and YM(I am a youth leader at our church) So the yW leaders decided to throw a Happy unBirthday party for the girls in the theme of Alice in wonderland. We did a little skit for the girls in the beginning I was asked to be The Cheshire Cat.. Didn't see the costume until right before we started. Lets just say I was a little self conscious.. All in all it was a blast.. The girls had fun and the leaders had fun ..

I also wanted to share this Fabulous crown that my friend Tracy made for me!! Thanks I love it so much....

Stay tuned i also have a fun announcement that I found out about late last night when I checked my Emails.. It is scrapbook related and just fabulous... I am very excited ...

Winner of one lovely apron is ..........

The 11th person to respond to the post who just happens to be Karen&Matt!!! Congrats Girl!!!
Let me know what color you want me to make the apron and send me your Address. I will make it over the week end...
Love ya girl!!!
I also wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post and who wished me a happy birthday...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Birthday give away...

I thought to celebrate my birthday I would do a little give away..

I will make one of my lucky winners an apron there choice of color..

It will just be a simple but fun half apron.. Like the one in this pic..Pic taken from A Feathered nest Tutorial on aprons..

All you have to do is leave me some love..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well Happy birthday to Me!!!!!!

In a few hours any ways... So what am I going to day to celebrate??? I am not sure.. Dales been so sick I am not sure if he has even had time to get me any gifts... Ok that sound greedy and like I am a little kid.. Ok birthdays aren't all about presents There about the cake right!!!!

So here is the cake i would like for my birthday.. I really love the colors .. The shoe cake definitely 2nd choice.. So back to what I am going to do for my birthday.. I know for sure I am going to dress up and look cute. If I have time I think I will get my nails done.. Then buy myself a naughty treat. Then it will be time to go to YW where we have having a very happy unbirthday party.. Where we will be wearing silly hats and eating fun yummy miniature foods.. Like on Alice in wonderland. I cant wait it will be so much fun.. I will take pix and share tomorrow night..

Stay toon I will be posting a give away in celebration of my birthday in the afternoon.. Hint Hint Its not a bracelet.. Can you guess what it may be???

Monday, April 21, 2008

Birthday cakes...

Maddie asked me what kind of birthday cake I wanted and I said I don't know so we got on line and found some pix of cakes that I should have for my birthday. This is Garretts pick...
Maddie loved this cake...Can you guess what cake I chose???? might not be as easy as you think....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Visit to the ER

Here is a funny short video as I was taking it an Er tech came in you can hear him knocking.

Friday night Dale started to feel sick which did not surprise me since our whole family has had the flu and chest colds. He started getting worse today with a high fever and he was very dehydrated so I drove the 40 Min's to the base and took him to the ER. They immediately gave him an IV took a chest X ray. The X ray showed sings of pneumonia so they gave him an inhaler and antibiotics and some more time off of work..

We are home and he is resting and I am getting ready to take a bubble bath..

Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Jammie's

What a day I went in to anchorage to go to the Temple with some Good friends afterwords we went to the Temple we ate lunch at Chillies.. It was very YUMMY and we had lots of good conversations. I could not believe how much I laughed.. WE then went shopping At Joann's I got some fun Lace and trims for scrap booking we then went to old Navy I did not find any thing cute for me I wasent digging the new styles... But I found these cute Jammie's for Ben... The best part is the price on the tag was 4.99 which I thought was a good deal then we got up yo pay for them and they rung up to a whopping 1.99 plus 20% off which made the final cost 1.60... I was a very happy girl..

Friday, April 18, 2008

A winning week

What a good week for winning Fun scrap booking stuff.
Wednesday I got an Email from Karen over at Creative therapy that I had won the Rack that there site was giving away for the Dyslexia Lo I did. I was very Happy. To say the least I cant wait to get the goodies that the Cupcake scarpshop donated.

I also won a Rack from Hilde She had a fun little Rack going on over at A Million Memories All I had to do for that one was give her some Quotes on Sisters ... Easy Peasy... I can't wait to get the Rak all the way from The Netherlands how cool is that!!

I hope My luck continues I love winning things!!!

Now its Your trun to tell me about somethings that you have won!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Scary Hands..

I made this LO of Ben one day he was hiding behind the couch and he had these gloves on and I asked why he had them on and he said because I have scary hands. I was so sadden by what he said,. I love Ben's hands they are so chubby and cute. I asked him why they were scary he said" because the have owies all over them."

It is snowy again here I am about as tired of all the snow as I cane be.. So what is the weather like in your neck of the woods?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Look at these cute shoes.

Yes I am shoe surfing again..
I guess when I get sad i look for new shoes. Ok I am not really sad just a little sad that is snowing again. So of course I look for new spring shoes. Here are some of the pretty ones I found..

I like the yellow ones a lot.

I really cant wear Yellow next to my face so hay why not wear them it on y feet.

so what do you do to make you happy when your feeling a little blue?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mylissa

Today is Mylissas 14th birthday. I can hardly believe she is that old..

She is very excited because that means she will be Abel to attend the church dances.

All she wanted for her Birthday was some new clothes. so needless to say I bought her lots of cute outfits. We will have cake and ice cream later on tonight.

I made this fun LO yesterday of Madeline. If I was thinking I would have made one of Mylissa for her birthday. Oh well if I have time tonight I will make one of Missy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's The big Apron day tomorrow..

Tomorrow the apron swap that I hosted comes to an end.. I just sent my apron off. This is not a great pic. and looks much better in person. I just don't have enough Boobies to fill the darn thing out. Lets just say my friend Kathy that I made it for is very big RAK.. LOL

I also wanted to share these to Lo I did the other day. I love how they both turned out, But I really love the pink and black one the best... I love the pix because Garrett and Robbie took them I wish I had a camera to take pix of Garrett he was so funny he kept posing pushing his hips out puckering his lips. It was so funny . I was suprised he wasent saying work it momma work it.. LOL

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My DT Entries for A million Memories

I did not get a spot on the DT. But I am totally ok with it. The girls that made it are amazing. Heck Kitty foster tried out for heaven sakes... ( Big name in the scraping world) . I am so glad I tried. Who knows I might make it next time.. Calls will be again in September it will give me time to polish up and find my style.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Best friends

I did this LO for the OWL challenge The word Was Best.. I chose to do the LO of Berni Jo and I . We have been BFF for about 7 years since Madeline was a baby. We have gone threw some of our hardest times together. She always knows the right thing to say to me. With out ether of us saying anything we will know there is stress or something wrong in each others life. Thats when we pick up the phone and say whats wrong.. I have always felt like she should have been my earthly sister I know that we new each other and were good friends before we came to earth, but I am satisfied that we found each other on this big earth.


I made this LO for Creative art Therapy The topic was a child hood memories.

Well the fist thing that popped my head was the struggles of Being dyslexic in a time that it really wasn't recognised. I was always told that I was dumb and lazy I was also told I never tried hard enough. The education part of school sucked for me. I had a great second grade teacher that told me Jenny your smart in fact your very smart we just need to find away to make all your knowledge come out in a way that works for you. That was all I need to hear That I wasn't dumb I was unique in the way my mind works.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sneak peek...

So I tried out for the AMM Design team The dead line was yesterdays to get your projects in. so today hopefully the suspense will be over and we will know who the New DT is. I really hope I make it. There are so many talent girls trying out.

Well Iam dying to show off my submissions but I cant until the new team is announced. So I am going to cheat a little and show you parts of my entries.

My altered project...

LAY out 1..

Lay out #2

All right wish me luck...