Today has been so crazy everyone misbehaving and a clingy baby.
Dale had to rush off to school so I had o make diner early and Blahh blahh Blahh.
In spite of my day I was able to get this purse done.
It's a smaller version of the one in my last post. I am not sure if I love it or not I think it is too small and I did not use the square rings . I also used a button closure instead of the magnet snap. I do think I like that.

It's a smaller version of the one in my last post. I am not sure if I love it or not I think it is too small and I did not use the square rings . I also used a button closure instead of the magnet snap. I do think I like that.

So if you have not already guessed I am going to make another one just slightly larger and use D rings.
I also have 2 other designs running around in my head and hope to make patterns fr he tonight.
I would love to hear what you think any ideas you may have to make this design better. What you may like or what yo don't like.

I like it. I like the button closure. I am not sure about size, but I am sure you know best. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
I like it! I do think the d rings would add to the design. A possible zippered one might be good as well. Ooh, a nice black one and/or a denim one would be fun too. You could always add some sparkly bits to jazz them up. Oh, a small pocket or two on the outside might be cool. I'm thinking on the fly. I design jewelry and hardly sew so I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
I like the rings, too! I can't believe you made your own pattern. I'm just not that good yet!
Could you be more talented? You really are amazing, I'm so impressed. You should be in business or working for a pattern company or something!
It'a really cool. I prefer a more square purse. I'm thinking of taking some time today to make myself a new one out of this groovy orange vinyl I got for like 25 cents a yard when Wal-mart in TN closed their fabirc department. If it turns out well I'll post pix. :)
You're so creative! I could never do something like that.
Like the button closure! Very cute bag!
I like it! Very Cute, and you are so talented! Can't wait to see the next one. =)
Sorry, I don't have any ideas. but I love both purses!
I like the button closure too b/c magnets don't always hold enough. I had a wallet lifted right out of my purse once and it had a magnetic closure. I still like the square rings b/c they are a bit different but I can't wait to see the one with the D rings.....
As for the design..kudos to you!
I love it! That Metro fabric is so awesome! Hmmm. Spicing it up... let's think on the fly... you could braid a strip of each fabric together to form the strap. The closure could be velcro with a faux button or tassle. Or the top could be gathered looking with a little elastic sewn in. I love the square rings, I just hate how they can get twisted and the handle ends up weighting on the corners. Hmmm... you could salvage an outgrown child's belt for the handle, and turn it back on itself for adjustability... I don't know. I love to re-use things. :) Oh, and I love pom-pom trim (which would look simply fabulous with your nifty prints.
ok i like the material! alot! super cute!
but i do think the d rings would look good. and maybe a little bit bigger.
i also think a small pocket on the outside. and i like the magnet snap better than button. i'd rip that button off the first time i went scrounging around for my phone!
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