We decided this year that Dale and I would take 2 kids at a time on a special day just for them to celebrate them and be able to talk and have fun and do something they don't normally get to do with every one else.

We started the day off by going to the stamp show(boring I know) to get the Alaska stamp for my father in law. The hotel we went to was very fancy it had a doorman and every thing.( Madie said she felt like she was Eloise at the Plaza) We got into the lobby and saw the most beautiful gingerbread house display. The doorman was so sweet he turned it on so the kids could see all the movement.

Then what I thought was going to be boring turned out very exciting for madie because she got to meet Sarah Plain (Who new Madie was a big fan of our governor)

When the stamp show was over Ben was so excited he said now it's build a bear time!! We drove 3 blocks over to the mall .

Ok these pix aren't that great There were so many people there and every pix i took with Madie it's blurry cuz she couldn't stand still. Here is Ben after he picked out his bear.

Ben stuffing his bear. Its so fun because they get to step on the fluff er petal that inserts the fluff.

When the stuffed animal is good and stuffed they they then have a heart placing ceremony . It's so sweet they have them rub the heart on there head so there bear will be smart then over there heart so they can love you then there muscles so the bear can be strong and they have them do a few other things then they spin tree times and make a wish.

Then the bear or bunny maker sews up the stuffy and hands it over to the new owner. The whole thing is very fun to watch. i loved seeing Ben's and Maddie's faces as they watched there stuffy's take there form and come to life. It was like watching a little bet of magic.

Here is Madie loveing on her build a bear bunny she named Elie.

This ken Ben's chocolate Brown bear in batman Jammie's. Ken Is so stinking cute and now goes every wear with Ben.
looks like it was a fun day!
That is such an awesome idea! I bet the kids will love it. It also appears what you thought was going to be a boring part turned out almost if not as exciting as the rest of it. You rock!
what a FUN day!
What a GREAT day and Love the animal :).
I know winning is so fun plus all the great blogs, make my days fun!
So you're totally collecting these all 50 states stamps.
set one
set two
Your kids are so adorable! You and your bubby seem to be great parents.
That is a great idea, to take the kids our for specail days. We need to start doing that. We love Build a Bear, but man does it get spendy. :)
My little boy has often said that Alaska is his favorite state. I have to say that between Sarah Palin, the mushing dogs, and the beautiful scenery, I'm inclined to agree with him! I've so enjoyed reading your posts. You have a lovely family. Your letter to your baby is just beautiful! I enjoyed reading about your daughter throwing the baby Jesus in the manger. Our daughter didn't even aim for the manger...he landed across the room!
I've never been to build a bear! It looks like a lot of fun.
Build a Bear is SO fun!!! (but so expensive!)
What a fun day for them! Great idea to take them out on dates. We try, but don't get to it often enough.
how cool to get to meet Sarah Palin. Thanks for stopping by my blog, stop by the family blog at glenysluckymama.blogspot.com
Awww we love BAB. Hannah loves the website where she can bring her bears to life. We don't have one anywhere near here though, so she has to buy them online now. Not nearly as fun. :(
I'm so jealous of your pix! We took Little Man to use his Build-a-Bear gift card and totally forgot the camera! I love Build-a-Bear! I want the turtle they have right now!
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