While playing board games my family loves there popcorn!! We decided to get an air popper in stead of microwave popcorn . I thought they would rebel and not like the air popped popcorn cuz you know it taste different it dose not have all the fat chemicals that microwave popcorn has. But with a little butter and yummy seasoning my kids and hubby goes crazy over.
Just as a side note When googling pictureka make sure spell it right if you spell it like I did at first you will have some rather naughty sites pop up , At least I think there naughty I did not look I am just assuming by there name and description that there naughty. I know some of you will be tempted to do it just because I said not to so I am saying it again don't do it.

oh man! you know me too well! i was totally going to go google crazy there in a sec! lol
ok i'll behave!
that does look fun!
no one will eat popcorn at my house... not even the not really so good for you kind. i've tried. at the movies they get soft pretzels. *shrug*
It's amazing the things that come up when you cant spell! I've been there before. We need to start game night with our family soon.
Hummmm. I might have to check this game out. Looks fun!
Oh, my daughter would love this game! Thanks for the info.
Air popped popcorn rocks! My mom and I used to make it all time, and I now have my own air popper.
Looks like fun! Love the popcorn, usually during movies, though!
Sounds like a fun game and great family night! We preferred air popped popcorn too - just tastes so much better. :)
love the apron, I like fresh air popped corn too.
I want an airpopper too. I currently have a stove top popper, which has seen better days, it still works though, but not as well because it's old. I won't get rid of it though, it was a gift from B.
I'm glad you guys have game nights, I think it's important as a family to spend as much time together as possible, but you knew that too. :)
buwaaaaahaaaa I am off to google it right now!
Cool! I love boardgames! I've never heard of this one!
Sounds like a lot of fun. Our family enjoys the electronic "Life" game right now. Of course a mean game of Guitar Hero counts as family fun too.
Sounds fun! I'm googling it. (I'm spelling it wrong...) I guess I didn't spell it the right wrong way because all I got was anime stuff. :-P lol!
Might have to get that game.
oh wow! we love board games and always up for a new one....thanks!
We got that game for the kiddos for Christmas too. I agree. It's lots of fun.
Cool game! I love air popped corn. But Superman's Mom gave me her gourmet stove popped popcorn recipe and I'll never eat any other popcorn again! I'll have to post the recipe for everyone to try! :)
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