Sunday, December 18, 2011

Williams 6th Birthday!

This year Williams birthday was really hard it started the night before when I took out his baby book and started looking at his pictures.
Looking through the pictures brought back so many emotions of the day he was born.
After I had a good cry I went on FB and nurse Molly that delivered him had wrote me a message.

She told me she still displays this picture in her living room.
She was an amazing nurse and I will always remember the love she gave our family that day.

This is probably my most favorite picture taken the day he was born.
I love how gently and tenderly Shelly is holding him.

I love that I have these pictures and I love looking at them.
I just wish there was more.
I cried a lot on Williams birthday and I felt a grief that I hadn't felt in a long time.
I just was not expecting to feel such hurt and pain.
I know that family's can be together forever and I know I will see William again but some times knowing this will be a long time form now hurts.

1 comment:

ter@waaoms said...

Happy Birthday, William!

It's so hard to believe our babies would have been 6 this year.

The last line you wrote.... about how knowing it will be a long time before we're reunited is what hurts, I couldn't agree more.