I did it I made the booty bag!! I think it turned out fun!!! It's hard to believe that this was once a pair of Capri's... I did learn that depending on the rise of the pants that you use will determine the depth of the bag and of course the size of the waist will determine the with of the bag.. It was so fast and easy to make I could hardly belive it! Makes me want to go looking for more pants to make more booty bags with..
wow, it looks great!!! I really need to learn how to sew.
You MADE that?! I don't even know how to plug in a sewing machine!
I swear I am not stalking your blog, but I had to see this booty bag. It's too cute!
If I made one from my pants, it would be a suitcase booty bag. lol.
soooooooooo cute :)
So stinkin' cute! I love the bow! Gotta try that!
Too cute! And I love the name. :D
that is super creative!
My booty bag would be XTRA large. he he (boohoo)
Jennifer.. I love this bag!! I have got to make some!! Did you do this in Utah? Love ya!
Jewelstreet...lol...suitcase bag..lol oh funny!
Do you have the instructions? I have been searching the internet for days. I'm making two for Christmas and I'm running out of time. Thanks, Kayla
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