Madeline wanted something to cover the lollipops she was giving to her friends for Valentines day.
So I came up with this cute idea!
I drew a half hart with a flat bottom to use for a pattern.
I then pined the paper heart on the fold of some cute heart fabric.
like this.
After I cut to fabric harts out I pined them together
Then sewed around the edge,leaving an opening at the bottom
I then put a sucker inside.
Super easy peasy!

That`s really cute! I think, I`ll also make this hearts for some nice persons.... My sister`s birthday is on friday...;)
Many thanks for that supersweet idea,
Greetings from A.
Brim over I acquiesce in but I about the collection should acquire more info then it has.
What a great idea!
~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
cute kids don't do Valentine's any longer :-(
Super cute!
These are so darling - I'm so going to do this next year! Thanks for sharing.
How cute!! All of the suckers in the world are going to be giving you a great big shout-out for giving them a cozy place to reside. Great idea!
I love this idea!! Super cute~!~
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