Today I woke up checked my E-mails There was one from one one of my BFF's labeled Trisomy 18 I opened it up read what she had to say . She said she had met some one with a friend that is 18 weeks pg and they found out the baby has t-18 and would I be willing to talk to them. I thought OK . Then I got an email from a good friend of mine who host apron swaps.. The Email was titled Thank you. I opened it thinking it was a thank you for not forgetting to respond to the email I got telling me who my swap partner was. Instead it was an email thanking me for sharing Williams story and that her little niece was born with what they think is T-18 yesterday. She said there family had no clue that she was a special baby so as you can imagine there family is going threw a lot of emotions right now. She said when she saw her niece she looked like William.. My heart as you can imagine was just struggling for the heartache this family is going threw but was touched that My friend knew something about Trisomy 18 because of Williams web site..
If you can believe this i then got a email from the Trisomy 18 foundation asking people to spread the word about Trisomy 18 and the Trisomy 18 foundation. Do you think I am being told something or What!!! So Here I am writing on my Blog for the world to read..
So Here is a web site I found right after I found out about William It is just the basic knowledge about Trisomy 18
This is the website for the Trisomy 18 foundation . Please take the time to look up these web sites.
Hopefully none of you will never need this information but you just never know. Never in a million years did I think Trisomy 18 would ever effect my life. Heck I never heard Of Trisomy 18 until I found out William had it.
I think it's wonderful that you are spreading the word. I had never heard of it before reading your blog. I didn't realize it was as common as it is, and I think more people should know about this and from someone who has been through it.
Keep up the good work and bless you for being such an angel to these families!
wow I haven't met anyone who has experienced this before except for a friend of mine. Her son was born with Trisomy 18 and the first year was extremely hard for them. He is five years old now, small for his age and has the hardest time with his hands. But he is such a cute boy.
You are so strong to be able to share this. I just looked at Williams website. Such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy!
You are an Amazing Wonderful Woman. I am so glad you have the knowledge and are willing to share with others.
I am still sorry for your loss of William, but it does make me happy knowing the bond it has created between our families.
Off to read... thank you for sharing your story... Hugs-
Oh sweet William.
There may be more than one reason William was brought to your family. Not many people can deal with it like you did. And it seems that you are helping others with this information.
You are amazing.
Such a great thing you are doing spreading the word about this! I'll have to take some time this afternoon and read about it! Thank you!
I remember Williams's story all to well. We were pregnant at the same time and my heart just ached for you and your family when I found out. I felt guilty for caring a healthy baby.
It was amazing to watch your family be so strong and just appreciate the time you had with William.
William's story will help others!
Wow, jen, it's truly amazing all the good you have done and continue to do. I'm sure the help you have provided is appreciated in ways you will never know!
God speaks to us in various ways. It sounds like He came to you through written words. How wonderful that you can share and help those who follow in similar footsteps. Surely this is part of your legacy and William's. :)
It is amazing how blogging and the internet has enabled people to share experiences and information on so many topics. We have had our own trials with an extreme preemie(i'll leave it there, more than I usually share) But those experiences through other blogs and internet support groups are helping countless others through empowerment and information etc.
It is how we deal with the trials in our life that define us. You ARE strong, as others have pointed out. May you always be comforted in your grief.
Thank you for sharing this information! It is so important to educate the world! What a precious son you have :) Thank you for having the courage to help others!
Wow, you don't expect that to happen.
Before I had my daughters I never heard of hardly anything. But after they were born, it sent me into a whole other world. I have met so many brave children and parents and learned so much.
Isn't it amazing how things happen like that?
It's like the Universes giving you a message!
Makes you realize how small the world really is.
You amaze me!
Thank you for all the information. We are done having our own children, but this may still be helpful someday, and it is good to understand. Thank you so much for sharing Jen.
NILMDTS has a beautiful Trisomy 18 video on You-tube.
When will you be in Utah? I hope we can meet.
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