As a courtesy I thought I would let you know that I will probably be neglecting all my blog reading duties today as i prepare my self for the twilight movie. I will be taking a nap instead and painting my finger nails bright red and picking out the cutest outfit to wear..
So do forgive me for not being around today. I promise you this that I will be back tomorrow grinning from ear to ear with the delight of having seen the biggest movie of the year. So until tomorrow my blog readers I will be gone..
Love Jenn sue Wild..

I can't say I blame you. I ignored everyone for a week straight while I read all four books, so you can certainly have the day to get ready to see Edward and Bella on the big screen! I can't wait to hear what you thought of it!
i wish i were preparing myself to see twilight...i have to wait another week! ugh!
i love your layout, it's freaking awesome. thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
I think I'm the only one not seeing this movie tonight or this weekend. so jealous! ;)
We'll forgive you just this once. ;)
have good twilight watching!
i don't get it. what's the big deal about a vampire movie?
Can't wait to see it!
well then... I guess you told us! hehe, enjoy and be sure to fill us all in!
Make it a great day!
check out my open letter ;) I do really hope you enjoy the movie.
Jacob all the way!!! Have fun. I planned to go until I got so sick (still.) Think of me.
We are going saturday. When you get back...I want to know details.
Yes. I have to reread the books now that I've had a taste of the wonder. Need to refuel my imagination and relive those fantasies!
SITS sent me!
I went with a huge group of friends last night at midnight. IT WAS AWESOME!!!
You are so sweet! No tears for me. I will enjoy my night with my little guy & husband!! We'll watch Juno or something. ha!
He's definitely worth more than the movie. :) I really like your blog it's so stinking cute!
I am so so excited as well! I hope I won't be too disappointed. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I see we have something in common, something to do with families are forever! ;)
Have a fun movie night SITSta!
Have a great time! I swear I am the only one who hasn't read the books and is not seeing the movie tonight!!
Your header pic is fun!
I hope the movie lives up to its rep:) have a blast
How was it? My daughter was disappointed...
so not fair....I want to go too!
I'm seeing Bond tonight and Twilight tomorrow. I'm so totally psyched for both! I think I shall blog about how psyched I am! :)
Looks like someone has a crush!
Edward you lucky guy.
Have fun and enjoy your movie!
we all need a bloggy break for special priorities.
the blog reviews i have been reading about the movie have not been great! i hope it meets your expectations.
pssst..we are LDS tooo!
I can't wait!!! I'm seeing it tonight!!!
PS thanks for the great idea...i literally just painted my nails black after i read u were painting yours red!
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