I am back from Utah.. It was a fun shopping trip and I cant believe I am saying this I am totally shopped out. By Friday night my whole being was so shopped out I wanted to cry at the thought of trying one more thing on or stepping into one more store.. Then the packing oh my what a nightmare but I did it I got everything into my bags and it all got here in one piece..
My flight home was very nice I had a pretty cool experience As the plane was boarding and I was sitting in my seat I noticed a lot of very happy solders They were all going home after a long stint in Iraq.. As the sturdiest passed me I asked if I could make a request I told her what I had observed and asked if before the plane took off could we please recognize these solders and thank them for there service. She smiled and said of course .. She then made the announcement on the loud speakers and asked that we thank the solders and then had them stand up The whole plane was whooping and hollering and clapping in graduated to those solders. These fine men were blushing and had tears running down there faces it was a very sweet moment. This same sturdiest also made sure each returning solder had a free meal on the plane .. I love being an American and I love seeing the kindness of others..
I arrived home to happy children and a husband with braces.. (I will show pix later) and a very nice clean home with lots of surprises. I now have a magazine bedroom I call it that because thats what it looks like . Something you would see in the pages of home and gardens or a catalog for bed room furniture.. It is so pretty I will take pix and show you all later.. In fact I have tons more to share but I better get showered and ready for church.
Ok my Question of the day? Did you miss me?? LOL
Of course you were missed! I'm saving my shopping for Black Friday...that is sweet about the soldiers on the plane...
Glad you had fun. It's so funny to read "magazine bedroom"...not funny "haha" but funny because I use that term ALL them time. "I want this kitchen to look like a MAGAZINE kitchen" in regard to others cleaning the kitchen, for example. We just did my son's bedroom and it looks like a magazine bedroom too!! It's FUN, isn't it?
But of course! Glad you had fun and got home safely. Thank you for boosting the spirits of those soldiers!
Welcome home :-)
I missed you lots! So glad you're back. Can't wait to see all your pictures and read about all your fun times. Take pictures of those full suitcases, k?
Yes, Can't wait to see pics of all your goodies!
Don't tease me!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. Since I wasn't able to shop with you this trip, I need to live vicariously through you.
Hye, just dropping by from SITS. I have to say, I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I'm a follower now. If I could choose anywhere to live, it would be Alaska, and where do I live? Drop dead center in the Arizona Desert. Oh, the agony! Welcome home with all of your fun finds!
so glad you had a great shopping trip!! I want to see what you got! :)
Of course we missed you, it's weird to click over here and not see anything new for days. (Even weirder, I've been posting every day LOL.)
Oh that was such a nice post... Bless all of our soldiers... it isn't often I see any US soldiers to thank.... Hope you are feeling better!
So glad that you had a nice super fun trip!!! Can't wait to see some pics. and that is super sweet with the soldiers on the plane! =)
I hate you! You are at OUR favorite store with out me! UUUGGHHH... I am jealous. But I still love you.
Glad you had fun.
It sounds like a good trip. But I missed you!
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