So while I was gone My hubby did lots of super nice things for me .. First he took the week off so that I could go. He then redecorated my Bedroom , cleaned the house , bought me flowers and candy and made the kids happy. What more could a gal ask for? Well he he had to show his total sweet side.. One of his projects was to put together a new dresser set that we bought for my bed room. When I was putting away all my new treasures I asked if there was anything in the highboy he said he only filled one draw I said ok and did not give it another thought. I started hanging things up and reorganizing my stuff. I went back to the dresser and opened the top drawer and to my surprise Dale had sweetly placed all Williams treasures tenderly in the drawer.

I just cried.. I was so touched by his thoughtfulness.. My heart just swelled with my love for him.. What a man an amazeing man I am married to.
Ok I don't normally do Tags but I will do it for you
Magritte The tag is you are suppose to take the 5th pic from your 5th file folder and post it easy enough . I thought hmm this could be fun. The 5th file folder was labeled Ben so I was a little suprised when I saw what picture it was. I thought no way am I sharing this, I just sat there and cried. It's a pic that brings me both joy and pain Joy because its William and much sorrow because it's the last pic I ever took while he was alive.

In fact this was taken probably just 8 hours before he took his last breath. I hated for the longest time because the quality is so bad and he looks so sick in this pic. I some times get so mad at my self that I did not take more that day. I rember being so sure that we had tomorrow. But my gut new better and I chose not to listen. In fact i had a photo shoot scheduled the next day. I wish I would have made Valerie come that night.. Oh the little regrets..
Ok if anyone want's to play along you are welcome to..
Wow, That really is so sweet, he learns it from you I'm sure or you learned it from him.. :) Cause I thought the same thing when he and Katie brought over the goodie bags for Halloween... So sweet! :)
That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that picture, even though it must be so so hard for you.
I too wish I had taken more pictures of him. I just felt so guilty being over there and felt that I would take time away from you. I should have listened more closely too.
It is a sweet picture Jen. All of his pictures are.
And what Dale did, is too sweet. He is an amazing husband!
What a great thing for Dale to do. I'm glad you posted the picture of sweet William.
A precious husband and precious baby.
Jen, that is the most beautiful photo of William because 1)it brings back so many memories for you, and 2)it's a real photo of how William looked at that time in his sweet little life.
For what my opinion is worth, I think it is, indeed, a very beautiful photo.
oh what a great hubby. too sweet. and it's a wonderful photo of the little one. thanks so much for sharing.
That was so nice of Dale. :) Tell Ben thanks for the birthday wishes and thank you for the song. I will try the 5 tag when Live Journal is done with their maintenance later today.
Jen, it is a beautiful photo of William. Perhaps you stumbled across it by accident yesterday because he wanted you to know he was around in spirit. :) Dale was incredibly sweet for all he did while you were gone - especially the special drawer.
Oh Jen, that is so sweet. What a wonderful and touching thing for your husband to do.
Your photo of William is precious. (((hugs))) to you.
That was so sweet of him to do that. Sometimes husbands can do the darndest things (in a good way)! And thanks for sharing that picture. I'm sure it was hard for you to share but he was so beautiful.
I am sure this was a difficult post for you. So, thank you for sharing. When we lose those close to us it is difficult, but celebrating the time shared is so least for me anyway...what a handsome boy!
I found you on SITS and I am so touched by this post. Prayers for you and your family.
Oh how sweet. Don't beat yourself up. I'm sure lots of that time was spent loving on him.
Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me.
Thanks for sharing the picture of your little one, even though it's hard. We lost our 3rd born baby when he was just 5 days old. It is so hard. I'm sorry.
What a sweet man! You are one lucky girl. Thanks for sharing more little bits of William. My brother's little one is still haning in there but everyday is so hard and so wonderful. It is amazing the wonderful things these little angels accomplish for their families in the short time they have. And aren't we lucky to have such a wonderful plan to be together again!
I think the photo of William is beautiful and I'm glad you have the photo and the memories. I'm sorry that there is pain attached to the photos and the memories as well as the happiness. I know all too well how that can be. ((HUGS))
You too are made for each other, William is lucky to have you.....don't foget, you'll see him again!
Dale IS absolutely amazing! :) What a sweetheart for a husband you have! :)
Thank you for sharing Williams' photo. You are so amazing to me Jennifer. Thank you for being you!
You better hang on to that man there are very few out there like him... He deserves a million Stars and for his thoughtful gestures and his over whelming sweetness. Give him a hug and tell him how much you love him ;)
Thank you for sharing all of your heart felt stories.
I linked over to Williams story and cried the whole way through. I know as a Mom how much we love our children and I'm so glad you had those 17 days to bond with him and get to know him. I'm sorry you've had to go through this and am deeply impressed with your positivity and strength. I'm so glad you came to my blog and now I've come to yours. Thanks for sharing your story. you have a beautiful family.
Thanks for sharing this picture with us. What a sweet angel. Aren't we lucky to have the knowledge that you will be with him again someday and he will be healthy and perfect! This picture made me a bit emotional, what a precious lil guy :)
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