Since Halloween is just around the corner I thought it would be fun to share fun Halloween recipes, Decoration ideas ,games, and fun traditions each day until Halloween. One of our fun Halloween traditions is that after my kids go trick or treating we come home and look threw all there candy we then let them get to pick out 20 pieces they would like to keep and then they leave the rest out for the great pumpkin to take. In return the great pumpkin will leave them a book or a small gift of some sort. Then we don't have to worry about all the candy and the kids still get to keeps some but they are left with a fun gift as well.
So tell me some of your fun Halloween traditions..
I love your ideas and can't wait to read them most every day. We useually go trunk or treating every year. I enjoy going to the after Halloween sales to get our costumes for next years hunt.
So happy to find your blog. Thanks for the comment and for participating in my giveaway!
That is a great idea. We mostly put it in a huge community bowl up high where they have to ask to get any. I also go through and take out the good stuff and send the rest to work with Tom. :) Our new Halloween tradition is a party, since Hazel will be 2 that day. Also pumpkin cookies and going to Larry's to get pumpkins to carve.
You know what I think would be a fun idea for easy home decor? If you come to the Tinsel & Twine event and make some of the projects there. I really think that would be awesome.
Love the decorations! I was thinking about doing the same thing but stacking a few (real)pumpkins on top. The ones you used look like the same ones I bought at Joann Fabric last year...
Okay, so I have to be honest. I haven't really read this post yet. I was just admiring the pix when I thought I didn't see Shelly in the pic of all the kids in their costumes. I thought she must have just been being herself and refused to pose. Then I found her. She pulls off the ghost thing very well. :)
I like your idea .....but we just let the kids have their loot. They aren't big candy eaters so I give the majority to their teachers to use in the classroom. We DO KEEP THE CHOCOLATE and any favs the kids have!
Oh, and I separate chocolate from non-chocolate. Weird, I know...but I swear the flavors rub off on the chocolate.....HA!
Happy October! Time to dust off the Halloween decorations.
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