So I did not get my Halloween post posted yesterday life just got in the way. Shopping , bargains , My grandfather saved my life and a sick tummy, I will save the details for tomorrow's post. Now on to the Halloween goodness!!
First I want to share these delightful cards I made from some fun Halloween vintage clip art I found on THIS SITE I love vintage pictures and clip art.

They were super simple to make all you do is copy the book marks laminate them then cut them out punch a hole in the top the add trim and Halloween brads.. I made them to give to Madeline's extra class she goes to. I wanted to give them something fun that was not a sweet treat.
When I was at the grocery store a few days a go I saw these ghost peeps and thought my kids would like them in there hot coco.
When they came home from school on Friday I handed each of them a ghostly cup of COCO They all smiled even the teenagers.
Last but not least Me and Ben made these cute jackolanterns out of hostess snow balls they Were just so cute smiling back at us.
This coming week I will have some more Halloween goodness including the cutest apron i ever made and instructions on how to create your own.
I hope everyone is have a good Sunday. My question of the week kind of odd but thought I would ask any ways When do you all start decorating for Christmas?

I love those cards! They turned out fantastic. And how awesome are those peeps in the hot cocoa!
You rock Halloween!
Now for your question. I generally start decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving for outside decorations, and the beginning of December for indoor decorations.
I've gotta get me some of those little ghosty marshmallows!!
Thanks for posting a link to my Vintage Holiday Crafts blog. I love the cards you made with the Halloween images!
Very cute!
We put up the tree the first weekend in November (it's a fake tree). My husband LOVES Christmas and would have it up already if I let him! Lol!
We have this HUGE blow-up penguin that goes out around Thanksgiving!
I love the vintage cards. I need to bookmark that site, I haven't tried cardmaking with anything that I have printed.
I used to start decorating the day after Thanksgiving finishing up throught the weekend. Now because of Hannah's birthday being the first week in December I usually put out all of my snowmen decorations Thanksgiving weekend. Then we put the tree up the day after her birthday.
LOVE the hot cocoa!
We do Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving, but my husband ADORES Christmas and there are 9 trees we put up in our house :)
Love the cards and the peeps, so cute!
If it were up to me I would decorate right after Thanksgiving but we usually get everything up first weekend in December.
Thanks for the holiday fun!
Oooo! I didn't even think of putting the ghosties in hot cocoa until I saw yours! Very cute!
I start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, and put up the tree the first Saturday in December. My kids don't let me forget to do it then! They get so excited!
Love all of it! Great post :)
The cards are too cute.
Ok, now I have to run out and find some of those marshmellows. My 4 year old daughter would kill for them.
The day after thanksgiving is when I have always started Christmas decorating.
Oh my heck!!! Stop it! you're making me want to be crafty! Those vintage cards are the coolest! And I totally dig the ghost peeps in the hot cocoa! I'll have to do that for my munchies today. It's so cold!!! We bought some yummy chocolate bars for our hot cocoa maker so the peeps will be perfect! :)
As far as decorating for Christmas.... I usually wait until the Saturday, or so, after Thanksgiving. :)
You totally rock Miss Jen! Thank you for inspiration! :)
Girl you are so cute and creative. I love everything you make. I bet Ben will always remember your wonderful snack the two of you made together.
For your question. We don't have a set time. Just whenever we feel like doing it that year. Useually after or the week of Thanksgiving.
oh good idea, peeps in hot chocolate sounds yummy! and i put up christmas decorations the day after thanksgiving!!
Every single thing is cute! I especially love the Peep idea...never thought about using one in hot chocolate! Yummy!
The weekend after Thanksgiving is when I start with the Christmas. I don't know about this year, my in laws will be here, we might wait until after they are gone. We will see. Looks like you were busy this weekend. Wish I had the time for that, someday. Right now I am just enjoying the little princess. :)
Love, Love, LOVE your cards Jennifer!
The day after Thanksgiving, not any sooner. We don't go shopping that day, we decorate. Always have, always will. We always go looking at Christmas lights on Christmas eve.
What great ideas!! You sound like a cool mommy, your kids are lucky to have such a cool mom. Loved the peeps in the hot cocoa.
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