Oh my goodness where has the week gone? I am glad because it's that much closer to Monday... Anyone know what Monday will bring for me? Somebody wonderful and Beautiful back into my daily life.. Ok Before I get to far into this post. No We did not go back to Target. I cant believe the girls did not even ask to go.. Strange... I think we were all just to tired. You bet we will be going today or at least I will be..

On to the pumpkins. I totally love pumpkins at Halloween. They are just so fun and happy to look at. I also love to watch people carve pumpkins . It just fascinates me... The reason being because I have always been afraid to try.

It was not until last year did I even attempt to carve a pumpkin as an adult. I was nervous at first but in the end it was cute and simple but fun!!

I was looking on line for tips and I came across this site
Pumpkin carving 101 it had some very good tips and a fun history of pumpkin carving. Did you know that pumpkin carving started out with turnips and gourds? Also the reason is kinda cool how pumpkin carving started.

jack-o-lanterns, carved from turnips or gourds, were set on porches and in windows to welcome deceased loved ones, but also to act as protection against malevolent spirits. Burning lumps of coal were used inside as a source of light, later to be replaced by candles. Cool .

Look at this cool 3D carved pumpkin. I think it is amazing and a work of art.
My question of the day Is do you all carve pumpkins every year?
YES WE DO! And this year, the kids are both old enough to carve. Soooo, we are going to have a pumpkin carving contest!
We buy lots of pumpkins, some to draw on, some to carve and some to leave alone because they are so beautiful...we use those at Thanksgiving too.
We love to carve pumpkins!!! Last year was my first year to carve a pumpkin as an adult too! Matt always did ours at travis. Growing up my Mom would carve most of the pumpkins, and it was crazy with some of the ideas she came up with. I'm excited to try carving more pumpkins this year, I'm goind to have to look at that pumpkin carving 101. I love pumpkins!!!
We always do pumpkins but each year we put it off until the last minute. We can never find time to go to the patch. We will be going next Saturday. I decided I'm going to paint them this year. We'll have to open up some for the seeds though.
Tom loves to carve pumpkins like these. I don't have the patience, I would rather have a traditional smiling one and that it it. Sounds like Target was a blast. I love that store. I bet Elyse will fit in a pumpkin this year. :)
Wow, those are crazy! I'm pretty lame about carving pumpkins. I'm a perfectionist and I've never been able to perfect "pumpkin" as an artistic medium. I love the pix you posted, though, and maybe I'll give it a go this year...
I try to make sure I carve at least one pumpkin every year. Though I think last year I was off. :\ I am so on this year! :) I'll write a post with pix of my favorite way to carve pumkins. ;)
Yep, every year! Halloween is a big deal in my husband's family.
I actually can't stand the smell of pumpkins and the feel of the innerds. Grosses me out. I hate it. I don't mind looking at them, but I don't want to carve them.
YES... & we are the only ones in the neighborhood who does it... (but we will teach them!) Bjørn is AWESOME...
You brought tears to MY eyes with you nice comment... Wonder if there is a base here in Norway.(Oslo)Makes me want to have some homesick Americans over for the holidays!!
lol, great pumpkin picts! We carve every year! I love pumpkins! I want a pumpkin patch someday!
We do not carve them, mostly cuz we are too lazy and I am not to be trusted with a knife. But we dont have kids, so that is okay
We buy huge numbers of them to look at though--this year, my pig is eating them as fast as I can buy them- we are about to have a showdown on this matter
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