You gotta be kidding me !! It hardly looks like Halloween around here it looks a little more like Christmas..

You have to admit that it is very pretty. I just cant believe that it is already snowing.. Yuck!!

Question of the day?? Whats your Weather like?
Sunny and Cool. I love the winter wonderland pictures. I even stole one. Thanks for sharing. Have a Wonderful Day!!!
balmy...humid but still pretty. Shorts weather........
We woke up to snow yesterday, but it was just a bit and it rained all day and melted it all away. It is cold and windy here. I was gonna blog a picture of our tiny bit of snow, but yours is much prettier.
about 75 degrees, sunny, light wind, almost crisp fall weather
Thanks for the pretty pics, I don't see snow very often. maybe one a year, Jan usually
Snowy (not sticking yet) and COLD!!
Holy cow! I can't believe you have snow already! It has been 70 here for about 5 days!! Not normal weather this time of year...but we are definately soaking it up!
It sure does look gorgeous though Jenn!
Oooooh those are some gorgeous photos!! It's about 60 degrees and boring here. lol
Thanks for coming by on Friday when I was featured on SITS! I just got back in town and having a blast visiting everyone who stopped in! Your comment was so sweet! Thanks a ton!
Those photos are beautiful! Looks like you're in for a LONG winter.
Weather here is Windy/Sunny...in the low 80's...I'm in California.
thanks for stopping by my blog, and oh my gosh you have a cute one! LOVE your opening pic!
i only WISH it were snowing here. it feels like july. (well, not QUITE.) we have an occasional cool breeze though. sigh.
I know it's an early start, but it's still pretty.
Snow already!?! I'm in FL and its crazy HOT.
Gorgeous view. Today was hot in the 80's with scattered sprinkles.
Rainy here. (or it was -- don't feel like looking outside again!)
I think the photos are beautiful but you're right, it should NOT be in October!
Oh my! Where are you?
Today (although I am late for this blog entry) it is fallish (that's a word, right?). Cool but not too cool, with a bit of a breeze but not too breezy, overcast but not raining.
We have had some gorgeous weather these past couple weeks here in NH. Not looking forward to the snow :(
Thanks for stopping by today! Happy SITS day!
wherever you live it's freaking gorgeous!
i had never seen a mountain til my wonderful husband took me to the pacific northwest for our honeymoon...since then i've been absolutely obsessed with how gorgeous they are.
lucky you!
Cloudy and 70s here in Misery--er, Missouri. I'm ready for cooler weather to kick in. I love snow. My mom always tells me I should move to Alaska!
While that may be pretty, that ain't funny.
If that happened at my house, I would not leave for days
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've had a nice little visit on yours. Crazy snow! It's still 80 here and I'm patiently waiting for my cool crisp mornings. PLEASE! :o)
Oh my goodness... snow already!! Ugh, the snow season is already to long here in Michigan, I can't believe how it is for you!! It is pretty though.
HOw beautiful!! I would love to live somewhere it snows!!
The weather is in Sunny QLD Austraila is warm today!!
WOW now that is some snow. It's still in the low 80's here in Nor Cal, but the nights are getting colder.
It does make for a pretty picture but I bet it's tough to deal with it so soon. Does that mean winter will be bad???
WOW! That is something we NEVER see here in the Los Angeles area... it is VERY pretty to moi!
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