This is how my kids have fun!! They make each other look like total dorks.. My 14 year old some how talked my 10 year old in to letting her put tons of tiny rubber bands into his hair. With the grin he's giving you might think he likes it!! I think it's time for a hair cut.. Don't you..

Believe it or not but this is what it looks like at 8:30 am in my dark world!! I forget that the rest of the world has more light in the winter than we do.. We don't even have full sun until about 9:30 or 10am Then it's dusk again at 3pm and full darkness by 4pm.. I fill like I just want to be a bear sometimes because the dark makes me so sleepy.. I always fill sorry for those who work indoors in the winter here because it's dark when they go to work and it's dark when they leave work My poor hubby only sees the sun on the week ends..
So when dose the sun rise and set in your neck of the woods?
I would go CRAZY. The sun comes up when my littlest one wakes up at 6:30 am!!!! With the daylight savings gone it is dark by 5 pm. The kids hate it and I cant imagine how much you must hate it!!!
oh my with the hair! they are so entertaining aren't they?!
But the summers are wonderful with long days and going for walks at 10! I love that!
That would get old really fast! Sun up about 6 and dark by 5! I hate it b/c then i can't take Calleigh for a walk!
LOL about the hair! I think the sun is usually up around 7 right now and it starts getting dark around 6:30. AZ doesn't do daylight savings time.
BTW LOVE your new header!
My 14yr old talked my 6 yr old into a mohawk WITHOUT telling me!! thought I was gonna come unglued, it was a really long mohawk with shaved sides. My camera was MIA at the time or would've clicked it just to show big daddy!!
It is full sun around 8 and then dark around 6:30. I really don't know how I would adjust to such little sun there. One question, with such little sun have you met any Cullen's lately?? LOL!!
I feel a bit of empathy. Superman has been working nights so I got some blackout curtains for our room. I love waking up naturally with the sun, but the blackouts totally kill that. I think the sun rises around 715ish and sets about 6ish. I want to live in Alaska, but those short sunlight hours have me wondering. Hmmmm....
Gah I'd slip into a coma. My sympathies!
OMG! I used to do the same thing at that age!
Wow, I would probably get really depressed if it was dark like that here! In Utah it has been getting dark early around 5:00 or so and all I know is when I get up at 7:45 it's light, but when my husband leaves at 6:15 it's still dark.
wow...that would definitely take some getting used to! I have something for you on my blog...It's the "spirit" post... :)
Love the goofy pictures! Such a fun and harmless way to stay entertained:) I wouldn't mind the dark if i could stay in bed-HA!
wow it it soooo dark!!! You must really hate this time of year with the dark!
Great pic of the hair do! too funny!
Love the look of your blog...it is sooo you!
Have a great weekend Jen!
We use to do that to our little brother. We have fond memories of about a hundred berets in his hair and a tutu around his waist. Very fun. However, he is the most sensitive guy when it comes to women. We taught him well.
LOVe the pic...I would SOOOO fit in in that darkness! I'm such a night person!!
PS- I tagged you on my blog!!!
Crazy hair! And I always forget that you all hardly have any sun in the winter! Sun usually rises around 7:00am here and sets around 5:45-6:00pm.
hahaha that is too cute! I think the hair is stylish. :)
we have it pretty easy in the South.......
It is summer in Australia and we have daylight saving from October through to April. At the moment, the sun rises at about 5.30am and it doesn't get really dark until nearly 9pm. It makes for along day.
I'd love to experience your Alaskan winter sometime. Must be freaky to have so much darkness and then so much light.
- Joolz, SA
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