Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa baby

I came across this picture of me sitting on santa's lap (Ok it is really Dale). I just love this pic Dale had been deployed for 2 months and he had just gotten back that morning. We were all so happy to see him the kids had a Christmas party that day at his work and when we got there they had nobody to play Santa so he volunteered.. It was kinda fun to sit on Santa's lap and to smooch on him. Gave a whole new meaning to I saw momma kissing Santa clause.


Anonymous said...

Oh, what an adorable pic! It made it extra special that he was just getting home. :)

Ter said...

happy memories.

Anonymous said...

So sweet!

I'm Always Rite said...

Cute. :)

Honey Mommy said...

Cute picture... it left me wondering if you had been naughty or nice! :o)

david santos said...

Fantastic posting!
Really beautiful!!!!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

What a wonderful memory!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Hey Girl, just left you something on my blog tonight!!

Trish said...

LOL! I've been singing that song for days! Funny that you post that now... Love the pic!

Yarni Gras! said...

what a GREAT photo and such fun memories!

Ande said...

so you got to be misses claus for the night, lucky. :) i love your tree.

Tabitha Blue said...

Ohhhh, it totally would!!!! How fun!!! That would be such a naughty little treat!!!!! LOL


The Blonde Duck said...

I love that picture! It's so sweet!

Shaina said...

Is that Santa's hand on your bum?

Blog Stalker said...

What a great picture and story to go with it!

Have a great day!

Elizabeth said...

Dang girl you are just too cute.