Monday, August 3, 2009

Moral Dilemma..

 Ben is not fully immunized because of health and personal reasons. So when I was registering him for kindergarten I  got the exempt form for immunizations, it states no personal reasons only religious and medical. I talked to the school nurse 2 years ago and she just told me to fill out the religious form  because the medical form is really hard to get singed on a partially immunized child. I thought OK she new my reasons it should be no big deal until I saw that it needed to me notarized.
Can I with my integrity in tact fill out this form with my religion stated on it when my religion has no stand on immunizing or not.
I have put a lot of thought into what I should do I think it would be OK because if you want to be techanal religion is your personal belief.
So it really is an oxymoron when the paper states no personal beliefs.
Still is it morally right?
Heck at this point I might say I practice two religions 1. being LDS 2. religion according to Jennifer.
Do you think I can get away with stating I am from the religion of Jennifer..


The Dean Family said...

With all of Ben's allergies, can't his doctor sign a medical reason exempt form? Just a thought...

Diane said...

ok you might not like my answer but here goes...

morals schmorals. just fill the thing out. it's your kid, your decision.

the only reason it's like that is because your religious beliefs are protected under the law. your personal beliefs though, well, the government thinks they can still get into that. why? they dont trust your judgment? they are a buncha nosey busy bodies? they think they can tell you what do to do with your own child and what chemicals you should have injected into your child's body?

just fill it out. it's all a bunch of bureaucratic crap. dont let it complicate your life or make you feel like you are doing anything wrong.

Jane In The Jungle said...

All the notorizing means is that it is your signature, has no bearing on what the document states. Since there is not an "other" clause, you have to go with the lesser of the 2 evils!

Anonymous said...

Jane is right. I used to be a notory.. it's only to confirm that you signed the document.

Personally if its what you think is right, do what you have to do.

Yarni Gras! said...

as Nike says...just do it. You are doing it for the right reason.

Multiple personalities.. said...

I would just fill it out. Religion is about personal belief, which can manifest itself in whatever way is important to you. My vote is to just go for it. :-)

The Blonde Duck said...

Techinically, your religious beliefs are a part of you, and you don't have him immunized for your beliefs, so by that logic, it is for religious reasons!

Anonymous said...

I know I will be faced with this next year when my son goes to K, I haven't finished his shots. He got them last on his 1st bday and he is 4 now. I just don't like the fact that the docs all push so many at once and add more seems like every time we turn around. There is a doc he is ahollistic doc I beleive to get the waivers my sis in law and mother in law both got them for all my nieces/nephews and little brother in law. Then on the other hand my stepdaughter gets every shot under the sun her doc thinks she needs to have and so does her mom, it is her right at a parent.

I am a notary and I would notarize it for you!!

Gamma Sharon said...

I agree with Diane and Jane... He is your child and it is up to you and your hubby. Immunizations scare me... with my grandson, Candace and I talked about the floride they want them to take while their teeth are developing and I was just so against it! It is posion... we get enough of that crap in the water.
There are so many pros and cons it is hard to know what to do!
Love ya, Sharon