I love you all and have enjoyed getting to know you all these last coupel of months.. So here is too many more Cheers to all You Sitsas out there..
For all of you who have no clue what I am talking about Go check out SITS right now is a good time to join the sista hood.. SITS is giveing away a $2oo. Target gift card and many more prizes today The 2nd of December..
I am going to leave you with some of my Favorite SITStas to check out..
ourdandelionwishes She is one sweet lady..
Jennifer Susan (not me)
Where are my angels (you will never laugh so hard)
and yes Tiffinay and Heather They Started all this madness..

Preeeeetty pic!
Merry SITSmas!!
awww thanks for the shout out! you are a total doll!
Wow, what a gorgeous photo! Merry SITsmas to you!
WAHHHHHH1 We don't get snow. :(
Ho Ho Ho Merrrrrrrrrrrrry SITSmas!
- Margaret
Merry SITSmas! Gorgeous photo!
:^) Anna
Such a lovely photo! I wish it would snow here already!!!
Have a wonderful holiday season!
Happy Merry SITSmas!
~Tam :D
What a beautiful photo! Merry SITSmas!
Have a Merry SITSmas day! Beautiful picture!
Dreamin' of your winter wonderland! Merry SITSmas and Merry Christmas!
Great pics on your sidebar! And lovely header ;)
Merry SITSmas!
That picture is gorgeous!
Merry SITSmas to you too! I'll be stopping by to look at that pic when I'm dreaming of snow. :)
Beautiful photo! Off to check out some of those sites. But, before I do - I left you a little something on my blog HERE. :)
What a beautiful picture!
Merry SITSmas!
Merry SITSmas (or is that SITSmoose?) to you, too, and all the best for 2009! :D Cheers!
That pic is amazing! mr gp wants to visit Alaska...someday.....Merry SITSmas
love the pic! merry sitsmas! :)
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
Merry SITSmas!
Such nice photos. I'm coming back later to read your story.
Merry SITSmas!
Happy SITSmas!
Love your title and your pic!
Merry SITSmas!
There is a serious amount of kissing going on here! Hope you have a very merry SITSMAS!
Merry Christmoose!
My dad loves Alaska. I should visit sometime!
merry SITSmas!!!
Happy Merry SITSmas sista!!!
You are a girl after my oun heart with those diamonds and fur!!!
I LOVE your header and background! It's so ME, LOL!!!
Love the new look to the blog!! And the snow picture - brrrrr.
Merry, Merry SiTSmas!
Ooooo your blog is so fun! Love the header!
And of course your SITSmas post is pretty too! Merry SITSmas!!
Cute blog, Merry SITSmas. ;)
How beautiful! We just had our first major snow and we got a foot when it was suppose to be an inch! It all melted today though. Merry sitsmas!
Merry SITSmas! I'm so glad I visited; I get the feeling I've been here before and THIS time, I'm bookmarking it.
Thanks for the shout out!
I had no idea you lived in Alaska, missed that. I think I did anyway!! lol Hmmmmmmmmmmmm so what do you think of Pal....... no I won't go there!! hee hee
Merry Sitsmas!
MERRY SITSMAS! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!
What a cute blog! Merry SITSmas to you!
Merry SITSmas!!!
Beautiful I miss snow
Merry SITSmas! Filled with lots of love!
Gorgeous. I need a friend in Alaska, maybe we can be blog pals?
Merry SITSmas.
Oh I miss the snow!!! We haven't had a "real" snowfall here in VA this yr.
Merry Christmas SITSta & my sister in the Lord! May your season be filled with blessings and peace!
Merry SITSmas to you:)
Merry SITsmas! I love your pictures. But it does look cold where you are.
How much do i love that in your pics (to the left) your leg always "pops" when you kiss your Mister?
:) so precious!
LOVE them!
Merriest SITSmas to YOU!
Oooo, Alaska! I've always wanted to visit!
I love the leg pops in the kissy pics too!
Merry SITSmas a little late! I'm still working my way through the links!
Merry Sitsmas!
Merry SITSmas!
I love the snow. Wish we had some here down south!
I am linking over to you from SITS! Your blog is so cute! I love your picture!
Yummy1 I heart me some diamonds! Merry SITSmas!
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