I have been wanting to get a WII for a while know but we did not want our kids to be video game addicts we decided not to. I am not sure why but Dale and I both agreed that we would buy one for the kids this year for Christmas So the day after Thanksgiving we bought one. Then we ended winning one from Dales work party (I think that was kinda a sign that we were makeing a good choice).. My parents sent a Target gift card so we bought guitar hero and Santa brought me The Wii fit.

Ben loves playing bowling and boxing according to Ben he has super sweet skills that nobody can beat.

Shelly got some sweet knee socks and a cellphone and some cute clothes and we cant forget the see threw shoes.

I think all and all everyone was spoiled including me. I will have to show pix of the rest of our loot later.
Dale goes back to work tomorrow and So after cleaning the house I hope to get to be creative. Maybe I will get an apron done to give away before the new year..
I've yet to see a WII in person but I can understand why some parents are less skeptical about getting them. To play them, your kids don't have to sit on their butts, they are active! :) I sometimes think about getting one but it would be kind of boring to play it by myself.
BTW, check out my blog, I'm starting a crafty challenge! :)
Looks like you guys had a wicked awesome time. I did not personally get a Wii, but it seems to get the kids up and moving.
Yeah, the wii is a blast and great for family time!
My whole family loves the Wii Fit.
Sounds like everyone did good!
my in laws got a wii for christmas and we love it! (i'm trying to find a way to smuggle it out of their house in my purse) i like that you get UP and move to play the games. and since you are actively playing, it's easier to involve everyone - a person needs a break from all that boxing :)
(stopping by from sits)
Hello SITSah! Yep, we did it too. Have hardly seen the kids since Christmas without a wii controller in their hands. I must begin to wean them from it before school starts. It is awfully fun though!
We've been thinking about getting a Wii too - it just looks like so much fun.
I also wanted to say congrats to being Saucy!!
It looks like ya'll are having a great time!
congrats on being saucy! You will learn to love the wii! And you will want to steal it for yourself.
just sayin...
Sounds like you all had a great holiday! We've had the Wii for a year and a half now...I was worried about too much gaming too, but it hasn't been bad at all. Are you liking the Fit board & game? I'm thinking about it...
Everyone else is doing it, I might have to do it too... {get a Wii}
{peeking in from SITS congrats on being sausy AND being the first commenter!!}
Happy Saucy Week!!!
Looks like everyone is happy!!
I love my Wii Fit!!!
fun pics. saw you on SITS.
We like the Wii too, but only have the original games, like bowling and tennis. Kolby's really good at bowling and Heath and I rock at our tennis matches!
Love the knee socks! I have a few, and I have leg warmers for when I'm wearing regular ankle-length socks. Love them!
Merry Christmas!
I think out of all the video games the WII is the best. I am not a huge fan of them but at least the WII gets you up off your bum. :D
Congrats on being Saucy!
Yay for the Wii! Sounds like that is a really popular choice! Please blog about whether or not you like it!
Your blog is too cute. Love how you have all those pictures down the side of you and your man kissing.
We have a Wii at our home and it's great for some time together. And that's even the case when our kids are too little to play and it's just me and the man. We have some great times together with that. Enjoy.
We got our kids a Wii for Christmas also. After months of searching for one, we finally found one in August. We've been saving it since then. What fun it was to finally use it.
I found you through SITS. You have such a cute blog.
I was looking at the pictures of William and reading his story. He was a beautiful little boy.
I lost a son, too. His name was Jack and his lived for six weeks.
Take care!
I found you through SITS. You have such a cute blog.
I was looking at the pictures of William and reading his story. He was a beautiful little boy.
I lost a son, too. His name was Jack and his lived for six weeks.
Take care!
Guitar Hero Rocks!!
The Wii is so much fun! Looks like they were spoiled! Hope you had a good one!
Looks like a great Christmas! The Wii is just so much fun. We love ours!
Congrats on being Saucy. The Wii looks like fun family time.
Looks like a very fun Christmas! I'm jealous of the Wii. :) Finally a game system where more than your fingers get a workout.
We have had a Wii for almost 6 months and love it. It is a system that i can even play...well, it's the only system I can play. Enjoy it, it makes for some great family night activities!
Congrats on being a saucy blog. I came over from SITS.
What an awesome Christmas! I want a Wii too but the kids aren't as interested as you would think. Oh well.
Happy New Years!
With 2 boys it's only a matter of time before I get a Wii too! Congrats on being a saucy blog!
Great blog! Your hubby is Air Force? God love our military men and women! I served in the USAFR for 12 years and my hubby is still in. Thanks for sharing your life!
p.s. found you on SITS.
Super fun Christmas stuff! We have never given in to video games and the only game system we own is a 20 year old Nintendo with it's original Mario Bros. game. But I'll admit that the Wii has almost got me hooked. Maybe as soon as all the kids move out, I'll buy one for myself!
We held out on video games too, but got a wii this year! And I also got a wii fit! Yeah!!! We had matching Christmases!
I love my Wii fit, the only problem is all the help I get when i try to do it on my own. :) Did you keep both or take one back?
You definitely made the right choice. I love the Wii, it gets my kids moving and it is so much fun. Looks like you guys had a great holiday.
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