Sunday, February 15, 2009


I love this Bloggy world that I am a part of. I have met some of the nicest people ever here. One such friend is the sassy sexy Miss Val..

I was lucky enough to be apart of her Pay it forward.

And yesterday on the day of Love I was lucky enough to get this amazeing broach she made along with some great note cards. Thanks Val.
I hope you Know I love you girl!

So I have another apron design in the makeing inspired by this dish towel set.

I was just looking at it and boom the idea was formed. It will be a modern and sleek sassy apron unlike any I have made before. I am so excited to whip it up tomorrow!

Just as a side note if you haven't allready entered my give away click HERE for a chance to win!


jewelstreet said...

Ooh, love those cards and the brooch! So you. Can't wait to see that new apron!

Yarni Gras! said...

I'm so glad you like it :-)

As for the apron, I can't WAIT to see what you come up with.

Ande said...

Hey Jen, those are some cute cards. I am going my pay it forward here in the area. There are tons of ladies here that don't do the blog thing that I thought would appreciate it. :) Tom is putting in for a job up your way, who knows what will happen. I could go either way. :) Hope that you have a wonderful day!!!

RatalieNose said...

So Hott!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

That's so cute!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Can't wait to see what kind of apron you are cooking up now!

How about "Jen Sew Fabulous"?

Ter said...


I'm looking forward to paying it forward, I haven't posted about it yet, but I will! :)