Yesterday during my blah fit I had to pick up Shelly from school. She asked me to take her to the local thrift store I said OK because I needed to find a vintage apron for a swap that I am in.
The gal I have really wanted an authentic vintage apron that you can tell was worn and used. I told her it would be hard for me to find one here in Alaska. Well I looked any way and almost peed my pants when I found 4 I could not believe it. So I bought 3 of them at the grand price of $3.00. I was so excited. I could not have even bout fabric for that.
This is one of the aprons I found a classic red and white gingham apron with chicken scratch emroided on it and smocked at the waist. You cant see it very well Ben was trying to still the show and me being me I let him.. He is so darn cute..

I am not going to show the other 2 just yet because I want my partner to be suprised!
Now I better get off and start my day of getting things done. I have an apron that needs to get finished and a purse or 2 to make today plus my house is begging me to clean it so is my husband. So I better go.
So my question today is what are you all up to today any thing fun!

Lol! You should have put the apron on Ben!
My house is screaming to be cleaned, but I put my fingers in my ears and am trying to ignore it. lol.
I don't comment every day, but I really do love your blog!!! I'm just trying to get ready to go today, you know, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. The kids and I are headed to Houston for a week to stay with some friends kids while they go on a cruise.....think I can handle being the single mom of 6 kids?
yay for daylight!
That first picture is absolutely breathtaking. Definately one you could hang on a wall.
That would be so hard to not have much light - yayyyy for sun!
Today I went shopping. :0 I know. Me! I went shopping. And I LIKED it! :o Shhhh.... don't tell. ;)
I love it when stuff like that happens! And yippee for the sun!!!
Pictures are fabulous as usual!
Beautiful picture!! I love reading your blog and hearing about Alaska, it's on my "have to visit in my lifetime" list!! And believe it or not, today in Tn we were 9 degrees at 8:30! Of course our heater is not working properly and it was 56 in the house, WooHoo!!
what luck! I didn't join that particular swap b/c I didn't think I could find one either.....
did you just say a warm 6 degrees???!!! lol it's about that here in michigan right now too. yuck!
glad youre having a better day! and yay on your awesome find!
I was busy with a bunch of stuff that I didn't want to do. Mostly laundry. I hate laundry. I need a cute apron to wear to get me more in the house cleaning mood!
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