For my birthday My daughter Kadie and Dan Got me a shirt with Jacob plastered on the front and wolf jewelry.
I said fine I will wear this silly shirt to the opening on Eclipse with you too but you have to wear shirts too.
So when I saw this shirt on sale at Target the other Day I made Kadie get one for her and Dan.
We weren't sure if he would wear it or not, because he and his older bother have this Man card thing going on.
Kadie assured me that he would wear it.
I was so surprised to see that he actually wore it.
He might have lost all his Man cards with his brother but gained a million eternity cards with me..
I think Kadie bug is one lucky girl.
Dan trying to look fierce in this picture I just think he looks silly.
On another note the movie was the best by far..
The acting was much better.
Bella seamed less skittish and did not stutter.
I loved the fight scene.
Jasper's hair was terrible but he acted much better.
Did not like the new Victoria.
When I was leaving the theater at 2 am I hear this girl say Jennifer.
I turned around and there was this girl I never met before, She was a good friend of one of my besteysbesties in Germany She moved her about a year a go and we had never met, just heard a lot about each other
She recognized me from FB.
It was fun meeting her, we will defiantly doing lunch soon.
So have any of you seen The movie yet?
What did you like and what bugged you?
Do tell..