Friday, May 25, 2012

No more girls in Elementary school.

Let me start off by saying there was a lot of unexpected tears shed last night.
Madeline Graduated from elementary school.
Madeline is my 6th child and last girl.
We thought for 3 years she would be our last child she and I have a very special bond and I love her so very much.
Madeline is also named after my beloved grandmother and I see so much of her in my Maddie Cat.

That being said we are very proud of our Madeline she made it through elementary and will be in middle school next year were I have no doubt she will rock the halls.

They had a short ceremony last night for all the 5th graders 
I was a little disappointed because they did not have the kids turn around after they got their certificate they just kinda rushed the through.
Other than that it was sweet, fun and short.

Maddie is excited to have her Dad there to watch her graduate he rarely gets to go to these things unless they are at night so she was relived when she saw him walk into the gym.
Afterwards we took her out for a bite to eat she loved all the two on one time.

I think her favorite part of the day was riding home with Daddy in his silly little beat up sports car.

We love you Madeline and are glad you are our little girl.

On a side note next year Benny boy will be my only kid in elementary school how can this be time sure has flown by fast.

1 comment:

Yarni Gras! said...

how sweet, she is growing up so fast!