Yesterday my good friend Jodie came over with some yummy Eggs fresh from her hen house. Believe it or not I have never had a fresh chicken egg. The only eggs I have ever have are bought from the store. I have to tell you all the story behind why Jodie brought me chicken eggs. We were talking in the halls at church when Granny Obereg passed by and Jodie said June we butchered a few chickens last night do you want one. I was like you did what? It was like they were talking French or something . Granny Oberg Said well you know Jen you have to kill the bird before you eat it.. Even you could do it in your high heels on. Jodie then said I did not know they made high heel hip waters. I then asked why would you need hip waters. Jodie just snickered and said so you don't get blood al over you when you chop off there head.. Yuck...I about heared enough and asked if she just had chickens that laid eggs she said yes. Would you like some fresh eggs? Of course I said.. Right after we had just had this conversation The country girl telling the city girl how to kill a chicken Our sweet friend Linda came up and said OK girls I have been watching you to talk and I was noticeing something . You both look great in your Sunday best but I could not help but notice how different you to are Jennifer is dressed Jodie pipes in Classy and beautiful and I am dressed comfortable and country. Linda said well yes she then said she love how that despite or obvious difference you could see the light of our friend ship shine threw
Thats how I feel about you all my bloggy friends we are all so different some of us old some of us young some of us from different countries and some of us in different stages in life. Yet every time I read your blogs or you all leave me a comment I fell the light of your friend ships most of you who I have never met..
I want to thank all of you for making my day a little brighter.
I agree about having friends. It is so true.
Hope your eggs taste great. If you ever take part in some butchering, make sure you wear grubby clothes!! Leave the high heels at home..heehee.
Ditto Jen. I feel the same way about bloggy friends. I love fresh chicken eggs. :) As for the butchering part, um, no thank you. I leave that part to someone else. lol
I completely agree with everything you said about friends! as for butchering chickens... we had 4 chickens (for the eggs) well, our pug decided to chase them and she caught a hen. she draged it around untill it was almost dead so I went out and killed us some dinner! let me tell you it was so fun! my entire family (including my parents & siblings) were so impressed with me!
thank YOU!
BTW, last night I was blog-hopping and stopped in to visit yours. My daughter said 'is this the lady who had William?' I said yes and showed her his picture. Then my husband came up to see....our son already had (as you know). So know our whole family knows your sweet William! :-)
I have to say the thought of you killing a chicken is kind of funny to picture. Of course me doing it would be just as funny. My grandma likes to tell me stories of when they had to kill their chickens and then chase them down the road when their head is cut off. Hmmmm... doesn't that make you want to eat chicken tonight?
I LOVE FRESH CHICKEN EGGS!!! When Mike and I buy our cabin, wea re totally gonna make a lil mini coop with about 6-10 hens and collect eggs - you guys should do that up there!!! You can get eggs in the morning in your high heel boots!!! And wear and apron!! LOVE IT! Funny, I grew up shooting guinea hens for the freezer - yeah me shooting hens! Funny huh?
aw. Who knew bloggy friends could be compared to farm eggs? ;)
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