I am training to climb a mountain in about a month so I thought I would help my body along by cutting out sugar. I am only eating sugar on saturdays. My friend brought over these yummy heart shaped valentine sugar cookies I just want to eat them all right now. I have even thought about putting sugar on my lips just to lick it off.
Yes I am crazy! I guess I will just drown go and eat some cottage cheese instead.
lol! My whole diet/losing weight thing would be all good if it wasn't for those darn Reese's peanut butter eggs. LOVE those!
Good for you on climbing a mountain!
Are you going to climb the mountain in your high heels?
Maybe you would set a Guinness Book of World Records for being the only person EVER to climb a mountain with 5 inch heels. lol. ;)
Seriously though, good luck! With the cutting out of sugar and the mountain climbing!
I'm so glad I'm not a big sugar person. Funny but I would chose the cottage cheese over the cookies! I love the salty snack though.
LOL! I'm actually doing the same thing. And I just ate a teeny bowl of cottage cheese! We can suffer together.
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I know how you feel! I'm trying to cut the sugar out too. It's so hard, and I crave sugar every day. Good luck with it all. Also you go girl for wanting to climb a mountain! =)
cracks me up........I can't give up sugar........for ANYTHING!
Lol! Great pic! Mmmm!
Speaking of sugar and cottage cheese; when I was a kid my grandma (who babysat me everyday) always served me cottage cheese w/ sugar on it. Now as an adult I'm all 'yuck that's disgusting' so I eat cottage cheese plain...but...it still tastes like there is sugar on it to me!
Love that picture!
I wish I had your willpower right now! That is actually my word of the year "Willpower" but around sugar I have not been so good!
Can't wait to hear more about your mountain climb next month!
All I can picture is an old fashioned scale with cottage cheese on one side and sugar goodness on the other... Hmm...
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