Yesterday Dale and I went to Lowe's to look at counter tops and when we were leaving with our counter top sample ,Dale stopped the appliance guy and said We saw a fridge on clearance would you be willing to take less? I looked at Dale and said what are you up to? He said if the guy will give it to us for a 1,000 we do you want it? I said yes! But I doubt they will do it because it was already discounted $800. So the guy came back and said the boss said we can give it to you for 1,046. I looked at Dale and then looked at the guy and said sold!!

I have been wanting one of these beautiful french door fridges since they came out.
The are so much bigger that the side by sides . You can actually fit things inside and see where every thing is.
Now we just need to get a new dish washer to match. Hmm maybe i can find one next to nothing the next time we visit Lowe's..
what brand is it?? I will probably get a new fridge (stove and dishwasher too) when we renovate the kitchen, and I am definitely looking for one with a freezer on the bottom. It looks like there's lots of room in the veggie crisper in the photo you posted, is there?? That was one disappointment we had with our current fridge, we thought there was much more room in the veggie crisper and there's hardly any at all!
Anyway, Good job getting a good deal, Dale can help me get a good deal anytime! ;)
Awesome new fridge! Love Lowe's. Don't know if everybody's Lowe's does this, but starting on Friday's go down all the center aisles- the outside aisles and stuff. They have all kinds of things on major markdown, and they don't last long. We got an amazing pedestal sink for like $30 and a rototiller for 75% off that way amongst other things.
Oooohhhh....fridge envy....
sweet! i always drool when there are shiny new appliances around... if i could have any brand new appliance right now i'd get one of those new kick ass washer/dryers. a red one!
That looks like the one I have. You will love it! (except when you have to wash it out)
that is one heck of a fridge now!! I love it!
I love it, but it does look like the bottom would be a pain to clean.
VERY NICE! When we went to buy a new refrigerator, this style wouldn't fit in our dinky kitchen and I didn't realize that until I had MY HEART SET ON IT! I'm so happy for you!!!
I got this same fridge (but in white) about 18 months ago and it is great! You are going to LOVE IT! Good buy my friend:)
One of my favorite things is the large drawer at the bottom of the fridge that can hold party trays, etc...It is so cool.
Wow! That fridge looks so nice! I have wondered this about that setup , so maybe you can tell me. Does it have as much freezer space as the side by sides?
So cool! I bought one of these at the Sears scratch and dent store for the house we bought in TN. I was so bummed to leave it, but so glad to be out of that house!
Imagine all the party platters you can fit in there. Oh a party! Yes! Have a party, do! :)
Jennifer, This is the same fridge I have! I LOVE It!!
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