Over at Creative Therapy they encourage you to express yourself true art Therapy ( very cool site) They give you a topic each week to inspire you to create with. This weeks topic was Where do you go to find your center. I chose to create a LO of the Temple. For me there is really nowhere on earth that I can go and leave the outside world behind. I like the children's song sings I love to see the Temple. Even Pictures of the Temple brings peace to my soul.
So where do you find Your center? I would Love to know... Please take a moment to leave a comment. ( Even if I don't Know you)
That is the best 'center' I can think of. Great job, Jen.
Congrats on becoming a design team member!!! I love your Lauouts, you will do an awesome job for them. Your kids are beautiful, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to teach Maddie, and Melissa give them hugs for me. What a beautiful layout of williams viewing, how hard for you but well done. You are a strong person, and you inspire me so much. I have to agree with you the temple is a great place to find peace. I need to go more often.
Beautiful layout and a very beautiful building! My center is probably in my church sanctuary. There is something so soothing about just walking in the doors. :)
I love your layout! Hmm. If I want to find my center, I listen to music and scrapbook.
BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors! :)
Mine is usally halfway up a mountain. I love the mountains, they make me feel close to my creator. I always find clarity and peace on a mountain, especially if I've hiked up it.
I love to be in the temple as well. The other place would be my childhood home. There's something about being surrounded by my family, sure it gets crazy with 40 of us, but it's awesome!
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