So as I said in my last post I was creative over the week end here are 2 of the LO I did the first being a sketch from the marvelous Becky Fleck at
Page Maps.. It's a 6x12. I love doing her sketches They are always just so inspirational. you all should go check her out.

The second LO i did was with the prompt word Choose from another challenge site I like to go to it was am old prompt but I liked it!! It was one of those times that the word just spoke to me . When saw the word Choice it immediately struck a cord with me. I choose to do a LO on the chose I made to to keep William. For those of you that don't know when I was told William had Trisomy 18 I was also told I had the option of abortion. I was stuck by those words. I went to all the "Best specialist "and they even went so far to say that it was not like I was really giving birth to a real baby. If I wanted to at 23 weeks I could just give birth and get it over with. (I am going to trow a disclaimer in there if the specialist would have said this is the only chance to see him alive and that I had continued the pregnancy he would be in pain yes I would have done it I know people who have and I admire them for thre courage.) But thats not what I was being told they made it sound like I was carrying a cancerous tumor and I needed to get rid of it. With that being said here is my lay out.

I love this pic I had just given birth and Molly my wonderful Nurse was placing him in my arms for the first time. He was so beautiful and his spirit over took the room it was just so strong. Everyone who met him fell in love with him. Now tell me dose he look like a thing or a Cancerous tumor something that I would want to rid my body from. No I think not!!
Oh Hun. I love both LO's, however William's LO speaks to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing.
You are so right. Also, William chose YOU!
Oh Jen, you know how to make a girl cry!!! (((HHHUGS))) you made the best choice!! :)
What sweet layouts! William is so precious and I'm so glad you chose life. =) Thanks for sharing.
Aww, what a wonderful tribute to sweet William, jen! Both of those layouts are awesome, I really love that size!
Hey Jen Love reading your blog... I have given you a little award .. so come on by my blog and pick it up :)
touching, as always :-)
Beautiful L/Os, I loved that picture from the first second I saw it.
I've never seen that size before, I might actually be willing to scrap if I can do that size, I hate 12x12.
Oh, Jen, big ((HUGS)). The layout and details about William brought tears to my eyes. I have never heard of that syndrome before and shame on anyone talking to you like your child was something to be rid of. You are such a wonderful strong person. Good for you for sticking with your beliefs.
A wonderful layout and a beautiful story. I too was told my son had trisomy 13 or 18 and wasn't likely to make it to full term and if he did he would pass away within a few hours or days. I opted not to do an amnio because the outcome didn't matter- I would give birth no matter what. I'm glad I made that decision because they doctors were wrong. My son is now a healthy 2 year old. I'm so glad that you choose life.
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