I truly have the best husband in the world!
He has so much faith in my talents much more than I do.
We were talking last night and asked me what I need to help me get my store going.
I said a stalk pile of fabric, purse handles, magnetic snaps and interfacing ETC.
Oh yeah and a new sewing machine and a serger would be nice.
Well he suprised me and said OK we will go shopping for these things tomorrow.

I have tons of sewing that I have to get done this week so I can open my store. My grand opening will be March 10th So circle the date. I will also have a give away on March 10th I will be giving away 1 apron and one purse.

No. What would you like to tell me? I love you.
no not yet....lol
Wow! That's great!
I'm looking forward to your store opening, I bet I'll be buying stuff! ;)
Yes, you do have a great hubby! I am looking forward to your opening!!!! Happy sewing.....
Fun, yes you do have a wonderful husband. Isn't his bday coming up here this week? Have fun sewing. I need to break out mine and sew up some quilts. Yeah!! :)
Ooh, he is so fantastic! Did you really get a Project Runway one?
Can't wait to see your shop opened! If you need any help or anything, let me know.
What a great hubby! I love it when they do that. Have fun with your new toys!
Awesome! Good luck!
Yay, I can see you drooling over your new toys!
I have to admit I am thinking "Thou shall not covit" I still have my wonderful sewing machine I got for my 12th birthday. It is blue. The power cord got misplaced in my move last November and I hope to find it soon. I have always wanted a serger.
Tell Dale I still love him (for the way he treats you). Congratulations.
Wow...that's fabulous. Can't wait to see your store!
Jennifer, I am so excited for you! It really is so much work to get a business up and running isn't it? You should make a linky button for people to put on their side bar like I did. I would definitely put it on mine for you!
lucky you!:)
Dale totally rocks... again!!! :)
WOW....nuff said
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