Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The wedding cake!

My friend Kat asked how big the wedding cake was,
well here it is.
Kadie wanted a traditional wedding cake no fancy decorating just simple with a scattering of pansies.
When i first saw the wedding cake I thought oh my heck it's to small but it was the perfect size.. We even had a few left overs..
I especially loved the cake because my good friend Lila made it for her.
We have known Lila since the day we moved in and has been a blessing in our lives every since.
More on the wedding later.
If there is something you want to know about it feel  free to ask and I will share the answer.
Thanks for all the sweet comments.


The kat"s tale said...

Jenn, it is so lovely, elegant, and eatable! Pansies are delicious. I'll bet the cake was the best, made with love. Thank you for sharing.

Yarni Gras! said...
