Every spring i get very excited for the easter candy to hit the stores.
Why you might ask well it's these little colorful eggs.. I get so excited when I see them in the store. I quickly by a few packages and then in the car before I even start it up I open the package and pop a few of these bad boys in my mouth and just savior the taste. Money can buy happiness because these little eggs bring me tons of joy.

I also enjoy the cadburry cream eggs. I rember when I saw them for the first time in 1983 I went to the BX in Hawaii with my BFF Vicky when we saw these yummy eggs we bought 2 each and gobbled them up as quick as we could. I rember licking the cream out of the Chocolate shell. I rember thinking that these were the best Chocolate eggs I had ever eaten. All these years later I still enjoy eating them at Easter time.
My question to you all my bloggy friends, What are your favorite Easter candies?

I like those chocolate eggies too. I don't really like the cadbury creame eggs. I don't know why. I Must be in the minority for that.
I love the cadbury creme eggs too. My stomache is growling just thinking about it.
The chocolate eggs and the starburst jellybeans!
Sugar + Chocolate = NatalieHappiness
I love PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited that they come out every holiday now!!! I love them so much so that my mom, my husbands, and even my 5yr old have bought me everything Peeps. I have a necklace, stuffed animals, easter basket...and much more LOL...
BTW followed you over here from Modern Molly.
Anything chocolate! Hey I just saw that the cadbury eggs have like 280 calories in "one"! Crazy!
Robin Eggs. Neither the BX or Comm had them this year, so I had to go to Target to get them. I have to say that I think the Cadbury eggs are gross, but Tom loves them.
Those top ones are wonderful! I love them!!!
Ooooh, I love the cadbury creme and robin eggs, too! But I'd have to say that in recent days, my heart has tipped to the marshmallow-filled chocolate eggs. You know what I'm talking about--they're sold in what LOOK to be real egg cartons for like $1 each. I don't know why, but I've been crazy for them lately. Maybe I need to take a pregnancy test, or something.
Unfortunately for my hip section I like it ALL!!! I really like the marshmallow bunnies and chicks, the whopper eggs, the cadbury eggs....Oh my anything chocolate! ha ha
I love jelly beans! But they have to be the right ones. I like to crack the hard shell off the outside and enjoy the jelly inards. The cheap jelly beans and even some more expensive ones do not work so well for this.
I also love the robins eggs (your first pic) There too I enjoy cracking off the hard candy shell and savoring the yummy chocolate center. :)
Oh yes! And Peeps! They are just plain evil! I LOVE Peeps! :)
Love the Cadbury eggs and pretty much your title sums it up for me. Even DH knows to stay away from my stash. hehe :D
I LOVE Cadbury! I like the other stuff too, but I.must.have.Cadbury's!!
Love the little chocolate eggs up top! I have never tasted a Cadbury egg! I know! I am weird!
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