12:35 I heard a faint scream and a thumping noise, I thought Ben had fallen out of bed from having a bad dream. When I walked in the boys room I was shocked to see Garrett in a full seizure. I screamed " Dale Garret is having a seizeur come quickly". Dale came into the room and took care of Garrett. While I called 911 It seemed like it took forever for the first respond policeman to respond then it was another 1o mins before the ambulance arrived. The seizeur lasted for about 15 mins total at one point he stopped breathing he got so blue it was so scary. By the time we left in the ambulance he was semi awake and very disoriented. He had no speech for about 40 mins. Which was scary to him, Garrett's eyes were so big trying to express what he wanted to say. He had so many test, Cat Scans x rays ETC. They found no reason why he should have seized. He did have an internal temp of 103.8 yet his oral temp was 98.3 . They think it was a fever seizure, but when i looked up Federal seizure it was nothing like what Garrett had. He was realised from the hospital at 4;30 am. He is doing well in fact you would have never known that he had a seizure last night. We are so glad that every thing is well.

That's very scary! I'm so glad he's okay, but still worried about him. It sounds like you don't really know what caused it. Let us know if you find out more. I will pray for Garett.
Oh how scary, I'm so sorry! Sounds like you are dealing with it well. I hope it was just a one time thing, thats wierd.
This happened to my 18 month old last month and it was one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen! When you havent seen a seizure before it is scary-scary!!
I feel bad that they released you without finding something out.. I hope that all may be well with him, and that your getting some rest today!!
myself and both my girls have epilepsy, and it is very scary. even for me and i have them too.
i would do a follow up with a neurologist just in case. they can do an overnight eeg (at home) that might help them see what's going on. can't hurt anyway.
i'm glad things are better today. i know my daughter can walk away from one like nothing ever happened. weird. lol
I cannot even imagine how scary that was.
I am glad your boy is all right now. I hope you are able to figure out what triggered it. Yikes.
Goodness, no! I am so sorry. I am glad that it passed without incident, but I sure hope they find the trigger. Sending up prayers for him now!
I'm sorry, Jen, I'm sorry you had to go through this, and especially for Garrett.
I hope all is okay and that this is the last of it.
That is one of the most frightening things to have to see, and go through. Are they going to do any more tests, or are they going to leave it a fever seizure?
You are in our prayers!
Oh, my goodness! I would've been absolutely terrified. In fact, I'm scared now just thinking about it. I'm glad to hear he's doing better.
Though, I think a second opinion may be in order just to be on the safe side.
Give some big old hugs to Garrett and Ben cause I can't imagine how scary that was for him as well.
Oh my goodness.So sorry this happened. ((((hugs)))) to you all.
I know that had to be terrifying...hope he is better!
Oh that is so scary. You're in my thoughts.
Oh NO! I hope he's feeling better :)
Oh, Jen, my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Love Sharon
How terrifying! So glad he is ok now. I hope the doctors can give you all some idea of what might have caused it so it can be prevented in the future. Prayers for Garrett.
My brother in law had a terrible seizure one morning, when he and Heath were working at Fed Ex. They never found out the cause of it. Hope Garret doesn't have anymore!
Hugs to Gare bear. It must have been so scary for him. I hope it was just an anomoly. I imagine you'll be sleeping next to his bed tonight. {{{}}}
I am so glad he is doing ok! Wow! That must have felt all sorts of awful! My husband started having nightime seizures after his heart surgery last year. It really is frightening.
Are you doing ok, mom?
ooo that's so scary, glad he's ok I'll keep him in prayer :)
This is so scary Jenn! I am so glad he is okay!!! I will say a pray for him tonight...Hugsxx
Goodness...I'm glad he's feeling better. I know that must have been terrifying for all of you.
My six year old son has febrile seizures. He has had three so far. They are scary and can look exactly like what you described. I hope he is doing well and feeling better now.
I would have been terrified. I'm glad he's ok.
oh..my! glad everything is improving...thanks for sharing my saucy day with me :)
How scary! my brother did the same thing at work, just all of the sudden. we think it was blood sugar related. They could never tell us what caused it. he was so grateful to be released that day and he knows he has the priesthood to thank!
I hope things stay okay!
Good job being brave!!!
I'm so glad he's okay!
Oh my gosh that is so scary!!! I'm so glad that he is okay and pray that it never happens again. How are you doing?
Awe Sweetie. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Dang I sure hope it doesn't happen again. Please keep us posted. You are in my prayers.
Febrile seizures are, indeed, very scarey. Please follow up with a neurologist. Prayers for you and your little man.
OH my goodness - that would be so scary!
Oh, I'm so sorry!! That must've been terrifying for all of you!!!
Glad to hear everything is okay!! You are in our thoughts and prayers.
I hope that Garrett is o.k., I am sure that was terrifing for him when he couldn't talk. Hope he is still doing o.k.
Oh my goodness...so glad he's feeling better now. I can't stand it when my kids get sick or hurt.
How very scary. I'm sorry you went through that.
My son had a couple of febrile seizures when he was a baby and it was nothing like what you described. They typically out grow them by age 5 too.
Wow, Scary.
Wow, I am so sorry.
We really need to talk more often. I am not good keeping up the blogging world.
I am glad he is doing better. He is in our prayers!
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