Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sisterly Love....

My two oldest girls could not be any different .

Kadie is tall Blond she dresses shabby sheik.

Shelly is a cute red head with the curse of the curves as she calls it.

Kadie is very neat her side of the room is always clean.

Well lets just say Rochelle's side looks like a bomb exploded.

They have different ideas on the way that thing should be and fight about them often.

But when it all comes down and nobody is looking they are the best of friends.

My Friend took this pic of them the other day when she was taking Kadie's senior pix .

I thought it captured there true relationship and there love for one another.

I just love the way it turned out ..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have such pretty girls. I love seeing them change and grow