The day has come and I am a little sad.. It was one crazy morning trying to get everyone out the door. Lots of did you rember this don't forget that Garret quit pestering everyone, Ben you get to go to school next year and on and on and on. Now it's just Ben Baby M and Me. I have a ton of sewing to do.. Lot's of fun things in the works ... Mark your calenders for Thursday its my one year Blogaversary and I will be haveing some Sweet Awesome prizes( as Garret would say) That will totally knock your socks off.
So did anyone else's kids start school today?
Yeah school!!!! I am sure the kids will love it. Poor Ben, he wants to be like the other big kids. Can't wait for the awesome prizes!!!
I bet your house was very busy this morning! Hope they all have a wonderful first day. :)
Yep. It was the first day of first grade for B. High school for H and P. Playdate with mommy for T. Hooray for school!
We dont start till next thursday the 28th. Its so sad to think summers coming to an end!
Can't wait to see what your surprise is!
I am looking forward to next Monday! School starts for us. WhooHoo!! I am ready to get my house clean. I just can't seem to get it done with children at home!
our kids start thursday! Looking forward to your blogiversary!
Our first day too! Your girls look so cute! It's nice to have some free time again huh? My high schooler starts on Wednesday...then the house will be just me and da baby. WOOHOO! :)
hey! my 1st blogversary is next week. :) I didn't realize we were so close together, aw, we're practically married in bloggyville.
I am trying to come up with some way to celebrate, but I don't know what yet.
Can't believe your school year has started already. But ours used to start in august until about a year or two ago when they finally changed it to start after the Sept. long weekend. Can't believe summer is almost over, boo!
McKenzie starts preschool in 2 weeks. She is excited!!! I'm excited and nervous. Looking forward to your blogiversary! =)
Hey mamma!
Who is Baby M?
noooo.....says Kimberlee Stomping and screaming.....summer isn't over yet.
My kids go back Monday and I am not looking forward to it.
donna baby M is a shcool teachers baby. I watch her only when school is in.
Ohhh... I thought that was code for - "We are adding to the Wilderness Tribe" :)
I am in the process of bouncing back and forth between ctaching up on blog reading and enrolling my munchkins in Ohio Virtual Academy as I type. I am so excited to get going with schoolwork again! ;)
Shelly is a goon! ;)
I hated the first day back too! But at least your kids don't have to wear U N I F O R M S! yuck!
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