Sunday, January 10, 2010

New teenager in the house!!

Yesterday Robbie turned 13 years old!!
He was very excited because that meant he could play T games on WII not all T games just the ones we allow in the house.
The one T game he was super excited to play is guitar hero.
There was also a few other T games he had been dying to get his hands on.
So we took him out just by himself  so he could get a game he wanted.
Then we took him to Lunch where they catered to him once the found out it was his Birthday.
After Lunch we came home watched movies then I made the dinner he requested, pancakes, bacon, and tater tots.
Then the crazy renditions of happy birthday broke out.

As he made his Birthday wish..
We ended the night by watching cloudy with a chance of meat balls.


Diane said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! with all the kids you got, there's a birthday every five minutes around there! lol

guitar hero is FUN!!!! and that birthday dinner sounds delish! i love breakfast for dinner!

RatalieNose said...

How fun! I remember how excited I was to finally turn 13! Don't you love how I say that like it was so long ago?

Ande said...

He looks like his daddy!! Boy has he grown up!! I hope that he had a wonderful birthay, sounds like it.