I have sew much sewing to do befor I leave on my trip to Colorado in less than 2 weeks that I am feeling just a
little bit over whelmed.
I need to at least get this little ditty cut out today and sew up a few that I allready have in the works.
I just have one little setback every time I go to my options in town Wal-Mart or Joannes they are always out of every thing I need. I am always hearing it's in route.. Blahh blahh blahh..
It really drives me nut's because then I make a waisted trip to the sore and then end up buying fatquaters.
I never use these suckers but every time I walk in to a fabric store I end up buying a pack.
I think it's because they look like pretty wrapped presents.
Maybe I will make an apron with this one..
We will see..
I guess I better get back to work..

whatcha making me? hehehe
You'll be getting a visit from Patches the Bear very soon... you were first on the list but I sent him to YaYa because she helped me come up with the idea. She'll be sending him to you after her visit! :)
Hey, it does look like a present...so pretty! And oooh, aprons sound so great. Wanna send me one? =)
I don't really even sew, and everytime I walk in the fabric store, I buy those sneaky little devils! ugh! now what to do with all 23 packages of them?! lol
Jennifer, I just wanted to let you know that I received my Witches Cupboard swap package today. It was completely AWESOME! I loved the pumpkins, ghost, and BOO sign that you painted and can't wait to make Halloween cookies with the cutters and sprinkles. Thank you so much!
How fun! ~ A trip to Colorado!
I don't sew.. and I would buy those packs as well! They are CUTE!
One day.... *sigh*
Well LOVE, Where will you be in Colorado? If you get to the southern part of the state I would love to meet up with you. I miss you so much.
As for the Apron. You are so talented. and I am sure all of your bloggy friends love seeing what you will make next. Just like me. I feel I get to know you better when you show us the next thing you bought or made.
OOPS. Jennifer I am sorry to freak you out. I didn't realize I am on my Hubby's email account. Killing Pests = Beth from Cheyenne. Please forgive me. Love you.
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