Friday, November 30, 2007
Thank Goddness.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Cabin Fever

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A Blast from the past ....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Good Day Yesterday...

In the mist of all my craziness yesterday I got a package from the Rob The Reindeer Game I played on http://www.amillionmemories.com/ I love every thing I got it was so much fun playing the game. I also found out I won The Thankful challenge lets just say I was doing the happy dance all evening. I just love that website A Million Memories it's like no other online community I have ever belonged to everyday when I log on I feel like i am spending time with my family. I love the girls there...

Monday, November 26, 2007
Decorating Woes...
So far I have three of my 4 trees up and decorated. I still need to put up garland and my village my carolers and all my Santa's. Oh and the stockings and the weather andddddddd. I have so much more to do....
Plus I would like to get some scrapping done today ... Well lats see what else I can get done.
Maybe I should just go shopping and hide from all the stuff I need to do.. Wait I cant do that we spent all our money on Black Friday.... Uggg .
I guess I will just have to get my but in gear and finish all the work I need to do.
Anyone want to come and hep.. More hands make light work... Anyone please I will make you a bracelet..
Speaking of bracelets I still need some of your addresses. Please get them to me so I can send them out and I hope those of you that I have sent or given you your bracelets like them..
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving , Shoping and G-Mans Birthday..

Kadie and our neighbor Ruth made an amazing Dinosaur cake... We took him out to DQ for lunch and then we did some shopping.. He spent some of the birthday money from his Grandma and Grandpa Wilderness. He got some fun gifts from me and his Dad... All and All I think he had a pretty good day...

Garret and his totally Awesome cake and his silly older Bother Robbie trying to still the show!!!

The totaly Awesome Cake that Kadie and Ruth made I am so impressed with there talent...
You gotta give Robbie an A for effort He cracks me up he wanted to make sure he was in every picture..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Here are some things I have been working on..
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The death of an Oven....

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bargain of the week...

Friday, November 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Crystal..
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Drum roll please...........................
I will need every ones snail mail addresses.... So I can send them out...
Congrats girls!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What are you Thankful for?
So I will start
1. I am grateful for My hubby because he loves me no matter What I do or say.
2. I am grateful for my 8 kids they always make me laugh and they help me remember my purpose for being here on earth.
3. OK I have to do a silly one I am thankful for Fashion because I love to dress up and look smashing even if I am just going to the grocery store.
I can't wait to here what you all say.
Monday, November 12, 2007
17 reasons to be Thankful.

Great Deal at the thrift store.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
I love a man in uniform...

Now that he no longer wears glasses you can see how striking blue his eyes are. I always thought he looked good in his uniform but my goodness with those piercing blue eyes he looks dang sexy in his uniform.
OK this is a G rated blog I better stop .
I just want to thank all the men in my life who serve our country so diligently. I love you all.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Oh the weather out side is frightful..

Madeline found this Rock and thought it was so pretty that I should take a picture of it and Share it with everyone on my Blog.
So what is the weather like where all of you my readers are at? Let me know...
Friday, November 9, 2007
Dales A big tease..
I was so excited to see all the goddess he bought me . When he got home all he would give me was one shirt and some mints from The Olive Garden ... He saving everything else for Christmas... What a brat...

So this is the shirt ... I think he did pretty good .... I can hardly wait to see every thing else... ( OH yeah he did bring me a loaf of carrot bread and lip balm from target..)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Pix of Dale...

Right after surgery he still smiling Because of the numbing meds
A few hours after surgery He is not smiling anymore the pain has started.
This is Dale at home acting like a 2 year old
We got 7 inches of snow last night. The kids were so happy they love it when it snows.
I do do have to say I like how it looks out side when it snows also. It is just so pretty and white I just don't like to drive in it...
When Dale was in Wyoming He had the chance to visit our sweet William . He did a good job a getting flowers for him .
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Dales home..
I am so happy to have him back and so are the kids..
He looks great with no glasses it is a little strange tho.
His surgery went well it was a little painful and he did get sick from the medications they gave him. It has been a week now and his eyes are almost healed and he is seeing things in a new light.
I have to run but I will write more and post pix later today so stay tuned to see the new and improved Dale..
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy November..

Now for a funny Ben story... This morning when I was taking a shower Ben asked for a glass of milk I told him I would get him one when I get out. When I went in to the kitchen to get his milk this is what I saw...I thought it was funny that he placed the caps to both the milk and the peanut butter so neatly next to each other.I don't know why but it remind me of the children's book if you give a mouse a cookie.