Warning! crying may occur while reading this post..
Remember my post for
365{day16} I showed you some fabric and titled it Tender Mercies?
Well here is the story.
My friend Amber's oldest daughter is getting ready to have her first baby in fact she is in labor as I type.
I have been trying to find the perfect fabrics to make her baby gifts some fabric came easy but I couldn't settle on a fabric for a baby blanket for her baby girl.
I bought an amazing Amy butler fabric but it just did not feel right.
I have a hard time creating if I don't feel connected to the piece I am working on especially if its a baby gift.
After buying fabric after fabric and still not feeling right about it I decided not make her a blanket.
Then Sunday morning happened.
I was getting ready to go to the church I went into my sewing craft room to get some papers and scrap booking letters when one dropped into my fabric tote.
As I was digging around to find the letter I came across the perfect fabric.
I immediately teared up when I realized what I had my hands on.
As mentioned in the earlier post it was the fabric that was given to me.
The fabric was given to me by her mother.
The fabric had belonged the mother of my friend Amber and Amber had taken it from her mothers fabric stash after she had died.
When I touched the fabric I instantly felt a connection to Amber's mother and new that this was to be.
She wanted me to make her great grand Daughter a blanket were she couldn't.
I could feel her so strongly pleading with me to please do this.
I am sill in awe and honored that I get to be the tool in giving Amber's mother her desire of having her great grand daughter receive this blanket made from her fabric.
This experience has strengthened my all ready strong testimony that those who pass before us are still with us.
As I was making the blanket this morning the way I thought it should be, I came into all sorts of difficulties and had to unpick and start all over.
I was discouraged and felt defeated that I was having so much trouble and called out in frustration Grandma B. What do you want me to do.
Calmly and quickly an easy solution came to me.
The result was
this soft cuddly simple blanket.
It is not my favorite blanket in looks that I have ever made but as blankets and baby gifts I have made in the past this by far is my favorite gift to give.
I Believe that Grandma B. Is a simple and practical women.
Just like this blanket.
I can't wait to give it to my friends daughter and see the look on my friends Amber's face when she sees the fabric.
I am even more excited to tell her the experience behind the blanket.
Just another tender mercies from a loving Heavenly Father.