Monday, December 31, 2007
Messages from William
I cant believe I did not put tow and two together last night to realize that it was Williams Angel day. He new and I know that he misses us too. I know he does not miss us and feel the earthly human pain that we feel but I know that he misses us and loves and cares deeply about us.
I always know when I have such intense feelings about William it's because he is around Me and that he is thinking of me... I love knowing that his spirit is never far from me and that he is still apart of my life. I love knowing that life does not end with death and that I will be with my loved ones that have passed before me again.
I just want to let my sweet friend Beth to know that I love her and that I am thinking of her and sweet Marie her little sister. It still amazes me that William left this earth 17 years apart from the day that Marie left. You know I know they are together and that we Share an even more special bond because of there relationship..
I hope everyone is has a safe and Happy New year...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas and the Flu
I am going to have to take post Christmas pix of our gifts this year just so I can have some descent scrap book pages. I hope evryone had a merry Christmas...

My Kids being hams. I don't think we ever get a shot with everyone just smiling.
Here is our Christmas eve Jammie pix... I cant believe I even manged a smile I felt so bad...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas to all.
Friday, December 21, 2007
And do you recall the most sweetest Reindeer of all.

I just thought I would trough in this pic of our sunset the other day. I have so many pix of just the sky's here in Alaska. The sky is just so dang pretty here. I have never lived any ware were the sky changes so much .
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Re Parking Ticket..
Well after we told them we lived in Alaska they said well are you sure the car is there My DH said Hummm let me go check the garage up yes I am sure my car is still here. Then they asked us to make sure the plates were on the car Yep they were on the car and it's the right plate number. They then wanted us to send a copy of Dales car registration and a letter explaining why we should not be responsible for the ticket. Then they will review the case.
The thing that cracks us up who ever issued the ticket did not make sure it was to the right car. We are pretty positive that it didn't just happen to be another 1962 Ford Galexy. It is a rare car and not many left in running condition. We think that they just checked the plate and saw that it belonged to a Ford car. When the person my DH was talking to was looking up the ticket the first thing she said is your car a Ford? Dale said yes but there is tons of Fords was there any other deception she said yes it was a black 4 door. Dales Car is a white 2 door.
The whole thing is just funny to me... It wont be so funny if we are stuck with the ticket. Plus it makes me just a little nervous that they had our plate # I am Hoping it was a typo . Or is there a standard plate out there with the same # and the person just forgot to enter that it was an antique plate.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Parking Ticket...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Elves have moved into our house

Monday, December 17, 2007
A few things to share..

Friday, December 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Sweet William..

My Big sister Crystal & William
Kim He has his Wings and his sword...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Rocking around the Christmas Tree.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Love you forever

I was reading this book last night and just fell apart when it read about the little boy being 2 and all the little naughty things he did and how it drove his mom crazy. I would give up almost any thing to see William as a 2 year old. Reading this book last night was just the beginning of a night filled with heart ache. I can hardly believe that William will be 2 on Friday. The saddest part is that it means it has almost been 2 years sense I have held him last. My arms had that awful physical ache of longing to hold him again last night. I just miss his weight in my arms so dang much. Here I go crying again.
I am going to end this post by saying love your children dearly hold them close to your hearts always and support them even when they are being imposable. Be grateful for who they are and there sweet spirits and what joy they bring into your lives as well as others. Enjoy the good the Bad and the ulgy of being a Mother.
Hugs to all Jennifer
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Nativity

Here is Robbie the tallest wise man He looks very into his role along with some very cute extras. I love that our church dose this because it truly brings the spirit of the season. I think to often we get caught up in the gifts, the baking , What is Santa going to bring us and kinda forget the whole reason of the season. The live nativities and the 12 hundred nativities and all the many people who preform at set up these displays really understand that Christ is the reason for the season!!
So how dose your town celebrate the Christmas Holiday
Go check out TIP Junkie for more keeping Christ in Christmas Ideas.
Friday, December 7, 2007
The spirit of Christmas

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Hair Dilemmas..

So what do you think looks better... The way it is now or Blond and flipped..
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Christmas Traditions

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Hurricane Winds..

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Rocking the Christmas party...