Today over at The R family Diaries Tiffany is heaving friends in the bloggy world share post on optimism.What a truly wonderful thing to do there is so much negativity in the world it is time to spread a little sunshine.I chose to share this post from a few days ago. I hope it shows that even when we are having hard times we can find the bright sides in life.Ps if you go over to Tiffany's blog you can read other wonderful optimistic stories, please vote for the post you like best. If it just happens to be mine I would be very happy. Yesterday I was having a little bit of a pity party. I woke up and took Shelly to school at 6:15 and it was only 4 degrees. I came back home crawled back in bed and just cried. I have been having a hard time with Dale leaving, I feel like he is going to miss so much and selfishly I am going to miss out on some things I had planned to do over the summer. I Was really looking forward to a girls weekend with many of my good friends from Travis Air Force Base, but because of Dales deployment I miss it by 2 weeks. So the cold just pushed me over the edge. I had a good cry and was determined to have a good day.
Mid afternoon I get a box from my BFF from Utah one of my Travis girls with a cute new shirt and a box of the best caramels in the world.

I was so excited when I saw the box from V chocolates my mouth started watering and my heart started beating faster , I could hardly wait to pop one of these yummies into my mouth.

As I was savoring my yummy caramels. I felt an overwhelming since of love, My BFF Berni Jo always know just when to call and just when to send a special something in the mail. I love her so much and cant wait to see her later this fall. I have always said we should have been sisters.
I have a few other friends I feel the same way about, I truly am a blessed person.

Here is my goal for today! With this fun yellow spring print I am going to make myself a purse to brighten up this long winter. I am sure it Will bring a smile to my face when it is done.
So I guess I better get off and start sewing.