So I thought I would tell you 37 things about me.
1. I was born during a blizzard and my mom made it to the hospital but not the delivery room.
2. I have 2 sisters and one brother.
3. I was married when I was 16
4.In high school I was the president of FHA (future homemakers of America)
5. I saved a stranger's life after she fell off a curb and cut open her radial artery , she later became on of my greatest friends .
6. I have great style
7. I love fresh ripe strawberries
8. I have beautiful blue eyes
9. I am not afraid to loose weight.
I am keeping what I just wrote because it's typical me
I was watching TV while I was writing this and they just said loose weight.
Ok the real # 9 I am not afraid to die.
10.When I die I want all my best girl friends to wear red stilettos to my funeral.
11. I am still madly in love with my husband after 21 years.
12.I cant stand hypocritical people.
13.I love my baths so hot that you can barley stand to get in them.
14.When I was a little girl I always said I wanted 10 little girls. I am so grateful that Heavenly father saw fit to only give me 4
15.I love musicals, when I was little me and my siblings would make up our own musicals. None of us sing very well but it was tons of fun.
16.I love rollercoaster especially fast ones.
17.I love girls nights out, I haven't had one in way too long.
18. I am a chocolate snob
19. Dale proposed to me with a ring he bought in a .25cent machine
20. I love being bare foot
21. I have never gone skinny dipping ( but I have gone swimming topless)

I love eating the lunch special at Vagabond Blues.
salad, a big hunk of bread and homemade soup
23. this one kills me to admit, but right now I weigh what I weighed when I gave birth to Kadie and more than I weighed when I gave birth to Shelly.
24. When i was little I swore I was adopted, then in my early 20's I was reading my medical records from birth and they were for another baby girl named Jennifer Peterson born on the same day in the same hospital I questioned if they switched our birth records or am I really the other Jennifer Peterson.
25. I love snuggling with my kiddos
26. I wish I could have one more baby.
27. When I am driving in the car alone I turn the radio up and sing at the top of my lungs.

I love this view I drive by it 3 or 4 times a week and I always think one day I will get a family picture taken here.
29. I think I am one of the girliest girls I know
30. I often wonder how life would be if William didn't have Trisomy 18
31. I can honestly say Dale is my best friend in the whole world!
I love being with him.
32. I love trying new foods

When I was a little girl I thought I was Snow White
34. I love the smell of rain
35. I love to read romance novels and murder mysteries
36. I love fresh flowers especially pink roses
37. last but not least I hate ice cream.
My question of the day.
What is one thing you want to know about me?