Happy memorial day every one especially to all the solders families who have fallen standing guard to protect our freedom, and to all the solders who past and present are still standing guard.

I thought this was an appropriate pictures to share.{stolen from my cousins FB page}
This is my grandpa Pete playing taps this morning with his VFW group at the Greybull WY cemetery.
My grand pa is a veteran of war world II.
{He's our own little bugle boy}
I love him very much and I am very proud to be his grand daughter.
We remember our little William every day but since this is memorial day the one day a year we stop and reflect on the loved ones that have returned to our Heavenly Father, I thought it was appropriate to share his picture.
We love and miss you and cant wait to be with you again.
I am so grateful I know that Family's can be together for ever.