OK I have been bad about blogging I really have been busy.
To start with November 4th I celebrated with my little buddy Kimble his 2nd birthday.
I was there the day he was born and if you have read past post you will know he had a lot of struggles his first 6 months of life with his heart.
So it was a very happy day seeing him turn 2.

He loves cars so I made him a race track cake and he loved it!
For the last 5 years I have been involved with the Nativity that our church put on in tiny Palmer Alaska.
I am so sad not to be a part of it this year but found out the do a simler one here in Colorado Springs so I have been busy helping out with that.
Early last week I checked the mail and found this sweet necklace in the mail from my dear friend Ande.
The Charter means friendship.
She sent one too 3 to our other dear friends and bought one for her self as well.
There was 5 of us couples that went out often when we liked in California together.
Ande is like a sister to me as well as the other 3 gals.
Benny boy was so excited last week when the school sent him home with an ID card.
He was so proud of it that he sleeps with it and it has a special place in his pocket along with his lucky rocks and race car.
Last but not least I went to a craft fair with my friend Jennifer before I left I snapped this shot.
I was felling pretty hot in my skinny jeans .
Since I missed 10 days of being grateful here is my list.
I am grateful for all the sunshine and warm days we have had.
I am happy that my kids are healthy.
I am grateful for lotion my skin is so dry here
I am grateful for my fun friends I get to hang out with
I am great full for netflix
I am grateful to be closer to my family and that Dales sisters are coming to thanks giving.
I am great full for my ipod it makes running much more fun
I am grateful to go to church each Sunday
I am grateful for my big girls who aren't here with us I miss them but am glad we can text and talk on the phone.
I am grateful for a home to live in until ours is built.