I normally don't fallow the crowed but in this case I think I will so Here I go 100 things about me.
1. When I was little I had corrective surgery on my ears so I could hear.
2. I moved to Germany when I was 18 mos
3. I spoke German before English.
4. I have 2 sisters and one brother.
5.Cookie was my first word both in English and in German
6.I have deformed toes
7. I always keep my toenails painted to detract from the fact that my toes are deformed
8.I love to eat out
9. I hardly ever order the same thing when we eat out.
10. I love Change
11. I am always trying to improve my self
12.I hate the dark
13.I wish I could ballroom dance
14 I wish I liked to eat fish
15.I like to take hot bubble baths and drink good hot chocolate
16. I love a good book
17. I wish I spoke Spanish and Russian
18.I can see spirits and hear them too
19. I wish I could fly
20.I love junk food
21.I wish i lived closer to my family
22.I am out going and fun to be around
23.I like who i am
24.I have a good marriage
25. I was married at 16
26.My husband is my best friend
27 I sill date my husband
28. I am not afraid to make a fool out of my self
29.I love being a mom
30. I love talking with my kids (they always make me go laugh)
31. I am Glad I got to know William
32.I am glad he chose me to be his mom
33.I miss William every day
34.I love all my kids the best
35. I miss my Kadie bug
36. i sometimes wish I could stop time
37. I think it would be cool to be a super Hero( I would have the coolest costume)
38.I love to shop with my friends
39.I love a good bargain
40. I love thrift stores( You can always find cool stuff)
41.I am leaning to love Alaska
42. I want to be like Ganny Oberg when I am older(Except I will still wear high heels)
43.My kids think I am insane
44. I love being girlie
45. I love to eat Chocolate every day.(it keeps me thin)
46. I love to live out loud
47. Dale thinks I live a little too loud some times
48.I love that I have 8 kids and that most people think I am sane
49. I Have lots of Faith
50.I have no rhythm
51. I would love to go to Paris again
52.I love girl time
53. I am creative and I like to think outside the box
54. I am always right
55. But I will admit when I am wrong(sometimes)
56 I learned that life dose not have to be perfect
57. I know now that dying is not scary
58. I held William as he died and watched his spirit leave is body
59. I know I am loved
60 People seem to be drawn to me
71 I hate to cook
72.I love to dress up when I go out
73.I love fashion
74.I think I am very good and making people feel comfortable
75. I am afraid that people may think I am a snob
76.I have a high pain tolerance
78.I like to hike
79. I hate being dirty
80.I cant stand a smelly house
81. I love to burn candles
82. I cant spell
83.I wish I new my grand parents better
84.I wish I was able to be around my nieces and Nephews
85. I love to sew
86.I have a hard time with narrow minded people
87. I love color
88. I love to dance with my husband
89. I hate being a part from Dale
90.I would have another baby in a heart beat
91 but I am glad i am done
92.I miss my best friends
93. I miss shopping in the real world(I miss Ross)
94. I love to listen to my children sing
95.I don't want to be grumpy when I am old
96.I love smoothies
97 I don't like ice cream
98.I wish I had a chef
99.I wish I spent less time on the computer
100.I love my online friends
101.I am so glad I am done with this list
Now for those of you who haven't done this I challenge you to do the same.