When my parents came down last month he had them bring a doll For Madeline. It was my Grandmothers doll My Grandmothers name was Madeline and thats who Madie was named after and you guessed it the doll is a Madeline doll.

When my mother gave her the doll she said I have that same coat so she went down stairs and We took this pic for my Grandfather. Madeline loves the doll she thinks it is very special because it was her great Grandmas. She takes very good care of it. She put it on her shelf with her Porcelain dolls.
Love ya Grandpa...
Cute doll. Isn't it great to have things from your great grandparents. I have Jewlery from almost all of my great grandmas and some other things. I keep them up from the kids, but sometimes I wear them. It is funny how a lot of it is back in style.
I love this post - what a great story! I didn't know that Madeline was around for our parents too!
Like you, I prefer a Republican house - I just DO NOT LIKE Bush ~ and I voted for him. I think things were better with a Dem Pres and Rep House - we'll see, I'm just on little wee itty bitty vote:)
How sweet is that! What a cute doll. I'm glad Madeline thought it was neat. That is so special!
So sweet. Good pictures. Hope Grandma likes the post.
I mean Grandpa...sorry.
What a fun photo! I bet your grandfather is just loving having his own post! What a wonderful memory for your daughter!
She is truly beautiful! Is that red hair? I love it! I'm posting in the morning (I hope) I got killer fabric at Wal-Mart for 50 cents a yard!
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