This is a tutorial to make a Crayon cozy with a note book pocket. I have seen many cute crayon roll tutorials and have made a few, they are easy and fun to make. I also like the fact that you could just trow the crayon roll into your purse,well the only problem is I would never have paper for Ben to color on so I decided to make a pocket for a note book to go next to the crayons. So I will never be with out paper.
I apologize in advance for some of the pix I had to use my flash because we don't have much sunlight in the winter.

Helpful tools
quilters pen
rotary cutter or scissors
cutting mat
I used two pieces of fabric 5 X 16 1/2 inches (for the outside and inside), one 6 X 16 1/2 inch piece of fabric folded in half lengthwise and pressed (for the pocket), one piece of lightweight fusible interfacing 5 X 16 1/2 inches

iron the interfacing on the wrong side to one of the 5 by 16 1/12

iron the coordinating piece of fabric in half
Then place it on the piece of fabric that you ironed the interfacing on make sure the folded side is up.

Line up the bottom edges of the folded piece and the piece with interfacing, pin together. Starting over from the edge 1 1/4 inches sew lines parallel with the edge starting from the top of the crayon pocket, back-stitching at the top to reinforce. Sew the lines one and a 1/4Th inches apart across the pocket. You will make 8 of these crayon pockets You will then have a pocket that will be 5 inches wide. to put the not book in.
I like to mark where I am going to sew first with a quilting pen. The marks will rub off when your done.

Line up the bottom edges of the folded piece and the piece with interfacing, pin together. Starting over from the edge 1 1/4 inches sew lines parallel with the edge starting from the top of the crayon pocket, back-stitching at the top to reinforce. Sew the lines one and a 1/4Th inches apart across the pocket. You will make 8 of these crayon pockets You will then have a pocket that will be 5 inches wide. to put the not book in.

I like to mark where I am going to sew first with a quilting pen. The marks will rub off when your done.

If you want to use rick rack, pin it around the edge as shown. Fold the ribbon in half and pin it on the edge.
Pin remaining piece of 5 X 16 1/2 inch fabric right sides together with the pocket piece. Sew around edges with 1/4 inch seam. Leave about 3 inches across bottom for turning

Trim corners, turn, press and top stitch being careful to catch all layers of the opening to close.

It's very cute and makes a fun easy homemade with love gift for the little ones in your life..
I hope you all will enjoy this.. If you make one let me know I would love to see pix..
If you find any mistakes let me know.. Thanx
I love it! I also love that you are doing tutorials now! yeah!
What a cute idea! This would be hand to take with you anywhere!
You know, you could sell a TON of those things...SO cute and practical...
fun I'll have to try it!
Ype, it's 28 yrds of batting!
What a great idea and tutorial! Thanks for sharing, Jen. :)
what a great idea!!
you're awesome!
Another one to add to my list of "cute things to make"! Thanks!I'm sure this post took you a lot of time.
Where do you but the little notebooks?
Those are adorable! They would be great for my daughter's preschool graduation!
quite interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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