Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy new years Eve!!

I will be spending the last night of the year playing Beatles Rock band, American Idol on Wii and Kissing my hubby when the clock strikes 12:00 oh yeah and eating lots and lots of junk food!!

I just made this Cheese ball

I got the recipe from My Kitchen Cafe

4 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened

4 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 teaspoon dried oregano

2 teaspoons dried parsley

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce

1 cup pecans, finely chopped for rolling

Place finely chopped pecans in a shallow dish and set aside. In a large bowl (or in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment), mix the cream cheese until smooth. Add the cheddar cheese and mix until just combined. Lightly sprinkle all the seasonings and sauces over the cheese mixture and mix until thoroughly combined.

With lightly greased hands, portion the cheese mixture into four pieces and roll each section into a round ball. Coat in pecans. The easiest way to do this is to hold the cheeseball in one hand and scoop up the pecans and press them onto the cheeseball with the other, turning the cheeseball as you go and letting the excess pecans fall back into the dish (this also helps the pecans to go a little further). Cover each cheeseball in saran wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve
** I used Wahhabi instead of hot sauce.. I Loved it!!
I hope every one is haveing a safe and happy new year!


Diane said...

yummy! i just got done eating cheese and crackers myself!

happy HAPPY new year to you and your family!!!

Ter said...

I love cheeseballs....

btw come to my blog later tonight... I got a big bloggy change happening!!!

Unknown said...

Happy new year! Stopping by from SITS

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! My 21 month old just looked up at the screen and loved the cheese ball! Yum~

Stopping by from SITS!

Jenny said...

stopping by from SITS to say Happy new Year!!