I feel like lately I wake up I run around all day like a chicken with my head cut off. I cant believe that with all the running , cleaning , helping with homework, church callings and more that I have time to breath. yesterday jut flew by I could not believe it was bed time . I kept thinking the clocks must be wrong there is no way it's 8:30 already. Yikes... We are gaining so much sunlight that it's not getting dark until later so that plays with my mind thinking I have more time to get things done.
So is anyone elce haveing this problem?
Jennifer, I think all moms feel this way. There just isn't enough time in the day to accomplish all that we must or want. Even if we were to work smarter, not necessarily harder, there still wouldn't be enough time.There will always be something for a mom to do. Also, a mom's 24 hours are constantly being divided by our children, husband, and all the other responsibilities we have - most of the time leaving so little time for ourselves. I think that's why we have friends. A brief chat with a friend provides hours of renewal and energy. Don't you think?
Some days are like that. Other days just drag. I think time really does change!!
I am sure with 8 children you really feel this way.
My days fly by in the blink of an eye and I don't have any kids to keep up with. I can only begin to imagine all the running around you do! And, my internal clock has been messed up since the time change. You'd think after almost 2wks I would be used to it.
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