I cant even began to tell you how fast my heart started beating when I saw the Target Sign up in our neighboring town. I have known for a year that we are getting one . I have seen the building go up I saw the banner that said Target coming soon. Yet to see the Sign the actual Target Singh I almost wanted to cry. I felt Getty I felt like there was a light at the end of my not being able to shop in a good store tunnel. In one word it felt Fabolous!!!
Now I just have to wait for it to open I think I might have a heart attack out of sheer happiness.
Jen, sounds like your "fashion show" was a success if you laughed and were happy. I'm writing from not so sunny Fort Worth, Texas (it's snowing, believe it or not). I signed up for the feathered nest apron swap and received your name to make an apron for. There's just one small little problem----I need an address to send the apron to. Now that I've read your blog, I'm worried that the apron I made won't pass the fashion diva test. I tried! Please send your address ASAP---I'm interested in finding out how you like your apron---made especially for you. (I read your blog, so I'm hoping I caught the spirit of things).
Oh my goodness! I know how you feel! I moved from Denver, Colorado to Cape Coral, Florida. *sigh* We just got our first Starbucks in SUPER TARGET! Yipppeeeeee! It's so funny how these little things make us happy! :) Great blog!
Fabulous! Our closest one is 35 minutes away and I hardly go there. They are building one closer but I've yet to see a sign go up.
I love Target!!! They have cute clothes and fun stuff for the home!!! Yay for you!!!!! :))))
You've been living with out a Target?! Isn't that like a staple of life? I so couldn't do that. Right now we have like three within 30 minutes of us plus a bazillion Walmarts. I love Target though, it is my second home.
Yay!! I didn't know you didn't have a Target.
You know I feel your happiness. Remember how many times you had to take me to Target when I stayed with you in CA? It is my happy place. One of the first things I checked when we got our orders was to see if there is a Target in my new town and there is! I can't wait!
PS We leave here in 29 days and guess what finally opened on base? Starbucks! I got a Chai Latte today, I was a happy girl even though it meant I had to do an extra 20 minutes of working out.
I love Target !!!! WOOOOHOOO yay for you girl !!!
Oh I'm so jealous!!! I'm about 35 minutes from the nearest Target and goodness knows I don't want to drag all the kids there. So I just never go. *sniff sniff*
I love Target! They have great stuff and for a good price!
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